发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 16:58
热心网友 时间:2024-11-02 21:36
Grass in everywhere in the wild prairie, Each year going through birth and rebirth. Wild fires durn, never destroying it, for the spring wind revives it once again. 原诗: 赋得古原草送别 白居易 离离原上草,一岁一枯荣。 野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。 远芳侵古道,晴翠接荒城。 又送王孙去,萋萋满别情。 From the walls of Baidi high in the coloured dawn To Jiangling by night-fall is three hundred miles, Yet monkeys are still calling on both banks behind me To my boat these ten thousand mountains aw
ay 朝辞白帝彩云间, 千里江陵一日还。 两岸猿声啼不住, 轻舟已过万重山。 In front of bed bright moonlight, doubts is above the frost. Raises the head looks moon, lowers the head thinks the hometown. 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡. Daytime according to the mountain, Yellow River enters the ocean current. Wants poor great distance item, on one building. 白日依山尽,黄河入海流。 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 Meets the critical moment is don't also difficult, the east wind incapable hundred flowers is remnant. Spring the silkworm to the dead silk side, the candle becomes the ash tear beginning does. 相见时难别亦难, 东风无力百花残。 春蚕到死丝方尽, 蜡炬成灰泪始干。