fallen downfallen down (CD Full Version) 中文歌词

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在蔚蓝的天空中,我渴望飞翔,寻找未知的边界(blue sky, I long to soar, reaching every corner),然而,只有你能翱翔天际(but only you can soar),我却因翅膀被玷污而无法自由飞翔(while my wings are tarnished, restricting my flight)。

我恳求你,不要离我而去(plead, do not abandon me),为了你,我愿意再次振翅(for you, I'll take flight once more),即使在那片曾让我痛哭的美丽蓝天(in that breathtaking, tear-inducing blue),带着被污染的翅膀,也要奋力飞翔(with tainted wings, I'll soar),只为在你身边降落(aiming to descend where you are)。

在白色的云朵间,我渴望与你共舞(white clouds, I yearn to float alongside you),但只有你能自在飘浮(but only you can float effortlessly),我只能滞留原地(while I am bound by my counterfeit nature)。我渴望你的陪伴,再次展开双翼(longing for your presence, I'll spread my wings anew),哪怕天空曾否决过我(even in the sky that once rejected me),也要带着被污染的羽翼,勇敢飞翔(with stained feathers, I'll soar bravely),因为我的目标始终是你的身边(for I'll always be by your side)。

在雨中,视线被浑浊遮蔽(amidst the murky rain, my vision's obscured),我请求你稍等(plead, wait for me),我将用那被鲜血浸染的翅膀寻找你(I'll search with wings dyed in red),再次在那片蓝色的天际翱翔(back in that blue expanse, I'll soar),只为在你所在之地降落(to descend where you are)。
