造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、My flip flop sandals were getting entangled in the debris and I kicked them off.(我脚上穿的那双拖鞋与废墟缠在一起,我将它踢到一旁。)
2、What do the iPad, the band Nirvana, and the Fosbury flop have to do with your professional and personal well-being?(涅槃乐队、背越式跳高与你的的职业和个人幸福有何必然联系?)
3、After using this awesome laptop for over 3years my LCD screen went flop splat on me.(在使用这个可怕的笔记本三年后,我的LCD屏幕竟然可以自行滑落并关上。)
4、An American television service in Arabic has been a flop.(一个美国的阿拉伯语电视服务一直是失败。)
5、likewise, lisa kudrow has also seen her career flop since friends.(无独有偶,丽莎·库卓在《老友记》大结局后,已经尝到了职业生涯失败的苦果。)
6、HealthSmart was a flop. Consumers did not like the mattress - they thought the zip-on cover was troublesome.(健康智能床垫是一个败笔,因为消费者根本就不喜欢这种床垫,他们认为这种可以拿下来的表层设计很麻烦。)
7、The name Edsel has become synonymous with 'flop.'(埃塞尔这个名字显然已经成为“低端”的代名词。)
8、Thomson adds that the Chinese market can flip-flop between euphoria and despair in a heartbeat.(汤姆森补充道,中国市场可以瞬间实现狂喜与绝望的跳跃转换。)
9、Pharmaceutical tycoon R.J. Kirk's first venture was a flop — an experience he regrets but appreciates.(制药大亨r.J.Kirk的第一次创业就栽了个大跟头,他对这段经历既懊悔又感激。)
10、There was clearly nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.(除了倒在那张破旧的小踏上大哭一场之外,显然没有别的办法。)
11、I stood there watching that fish flip-flop.(我站在那里看着那条鱼扑腾着。)
12、Once the busy month of December hits, my excuses for not running flip-flop between no time and no energy.(一到了忙碌的十二月,我就会逃避跑步,在没有时间和没有精力之间斗争。)
13、It may be one of many aspects of the climate that flop around, seemingly at random, over periods of years to decades.(这可能是数年至数十年的周期以来气候骤然变向的诸多方面之一,而且看似毫无章法。)
14、And, as a further precaution, I placed my pants on the side of the bed where I knew I was going to flop.(并且,作为进一步预防措施,还把裤子放在我知道自己将要睡的这一侧。)
15、What was intended to be another display of star power on a world stage ended in a flop.(结果这次旨在再次向世界展示其“明星效应”的努力以失败告终。)
16、Then he knelt down with a flop, nodded repeatedly and said, "I am guilty. I confess I am guilty."(周兴一听,手里的酒杯啪哒掉在地上,跟着又扑通一声跪倒在地,连连磕头说:“我有罪,我有罪,我招供。”)
17、"Flap" sounds like something (a flag, a sail) flapping, and "flop" is the dull sound of something falling down flat.(而flop听着就象什么东西直直落地发出的沉闷一响.)
18、He seemed so sure of his decision, how could he flip-flop so dramatically now?(他似乎对自己的决定非常肯定,现在怎么会戏剧性地改变立场呢?)
19、People are already Shouting that this will be a flop and that Apple have dropped the ball this time.(人们已经开始叫嚣这次对于苹果来说将会是一次失误。)
20、A: The whole play is a flop.(整个剧是个失败。)
21、Another reason prediction markets flop is that employees cannot see how the results are used, so they lose interest.(市场预测失败的另一原因是员工不清楚这个结果应该怎样利用,所以他们不感兴趣。)
22、After all, who breaks out into a flop sweat doing the crossword puzzle?(毕竟谁会为做填字游戏而焦虑啊?)
23、Or it could be another almighty flop.(或者,这有可能是另一个大失败。)
24、But this new study shows that wings with a little flop can actually get more air-pushing lift from each flap.(但这项新的研究表明,有点向下弯曲的翅膀确实能从每次拍打中获得更多的空气挤压升力。)
25、All of them, every sneaker, boot and sandal, every high heel and clog, every flip-flop. What do I do?(所有的鞋,包括全部的球鞋、靴子、凉鞋,高跟鞋、木屐、人字拖……我该怎么办啊?)
26、It is the public who decide whether a film is a hit or a flop.(决定一部电影是成功还是失败的是公众。)
27、Merrily, however, was a 16-performance flop.(然而,《那》是一出只演了16场的败作。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。