造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、A cold drizzle was falling, but he bared his head to it and unbuttoned his vest, swinging along in splendid unconcern.(寒雨潇潇地下着,可他却光着头让它淋,而且解开了背心扣子,晃动着身子痛痛快快满不在乎地走着。)
2、To serve: Ladle into bowls, drizzle with walnut oil and garnish with chives, if desired.(把煮好的东西放入碗里,加入核桃油,如果你喜欢,还可以放入香葱以作装饰。)
3、Add around a tablespoon of nasi goreng paste and a drizzle of soy sauce and stir through.(加入约一匙炒饭酱和一点点酱油,之后均匀翻炒。)
4、There, in the drizzle, the coach is waiting to take us to Santiago de Compostela.(到那里时天正下着小雨,有一辆巴士等着我们,把我们载到了圣地亚哥坎普斯特拉。)
5、Just rub some bread with fresh garlics and plenty of ripe tomatoes, then drizzle with olive oil and salt.(只需把新鲜的蒜瓣和熟番茄酱擦在面包上,然后加少许橄榄油和盐。)
6、She climbed into the jungle gym for the drizzle had quickly changed into a large thunder storm.(她爬进了格子爬梯,因为原先的绵绵细雨很快地变成了倾盆雷雨。)
7、Clouds had come down and it was starting to drizzle.(云压了下来,开始下起了毛毛雨。)
8、The net result is a continuous flow of gas, starting as hot gases in intergalactic space and ending as a drizzle of cool gas called a "cooling flow," falling into the central galaxy.(最终的结果是一股持续的气体流,开始是星系间的热气体,结束时是一股被称为“冷却流”的少量冷气体,落入星系中央。)
9、Get closer still and you'll hear a soft drizzle: the steady stream of locust droppings falling to the ground.(再走近一些,你便会听到轻微的下雨声:蝗虫的粪便在不断地落到地上。)
10、Just before serving, spread filling into meringue shell. Top with strawberries. drizzle with glaze.(在吃之前再把馅料放入饼皮,把草莓铺满表面,再加上草莓糖浆。)
11、drizzle on some soy sauce to shed the pounds.(涂上一些大豆酱来减肥。)
12、A young man in dark glasses leaped out into the drizzle holding what looked like a carrycot and snaked toward the entrance.(一个戴墨镜的年轻人跳进毛毛雨中,手里拿着一个看上去像手提式婴儿床的东西,蜿蜒向入口走去。)
13、Yesterday the radio forecast drizzle, and today it is indeed raining.(昨天预报有小雨,今天果然下起来了。)
14、Sweeten to taste with a drizzle of raw honey or pure maple syrup.(另外还可加入少量生蜂蜜或纯枫糖浆增加甜度。)
15、Finally, drizzle olive oil on top.(最后,洒上一些橄榄油。)
16、The area was strewn with flowers and candles, and people who could not fit in the grand church huddled under umbrellas in a drizzle.(这一区域到处是鲜花和蜡烛,细雨中,无法进入大教堂的人都在雨伞下挤成一团。)
17、There was a cold drizzle of rain; the atmosphere was murky; it was a melancholy day.(外面下着冰冷的小雨;气氛阴沉;这是一个令人忧郁的日子。)
18、Outside, the drizzle descends.(外面已是蒙蒙细雨。)
19、For example, drizzle is a fork of MySQL version 6 that's smaller, faster, and simpler, tuned for the Web.(举例而言,drizzle是MySQLversion6的一个分支,它更小、更快、更简单,且针对Web进行了调优。)
20、A fine drizzle began to veil the hills.(蒙蒙细雨渐渐笼罩了群山。)
21、drizzle a little olive oil on salads.(在沙拉上添一点橄榄油。)
22、Some areas in Henan, Hubei, Jiangsu and Anhui will see drizzle, rain or heavy snow in 2 or 3 days.(河南,湖北,江苏和安徽等部分地区2-3天内将先后遭遇雨雪天气。)
23、The drizzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking through.(细雨已经停了,太阳露出了脸。)
24、Barefoot, Kari walked out into the cold drizzle, seized the flowers and tossed them into the trash.(Kari赤着脚走进寒冷的细雨,抓了鲜花就往垃圾桶里扔。)
25、In popular culture, it remains as much of a symbol of Seattle as the Space Needle, the persistent drizzle and the excellent, ubiquitous, coffee shops.(在流行文化中,它仍然是西雅图的象征,就像太空针塔、绵绵细雨和无处不在的咖啡馆一样。)
26、drizzle with olive oil and champagne vinegar for a light and tasty dressing.(少少淋上橄榄油和香槟醋和可口的敷料。)
27、Chop parsley, drizzle gravy or add edible flowers.(剁碎香菜、洒上肉汁或是加一些可食用的花朵。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。