have a conference in order to talk something over同义词:confabulate, confab, consultpresent同义词:bestow
And therefore, if a man write little, he had need have a great memory; if he confer little, he had need have a present wit; and if he read little, he had need have more cunning, to seem to know that he doth not.因此,一个人如果不写,他就需要记住很多东西; 如果不和人交谈,他就需要天笺机智; 如果不读书,他就需要更狡猾,能够假装知道他所不知道的东西。The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.女王将爵士头衔授予几位杰出人士。
con.ferv.(动词)con.ferred,con.fer.ring,con.fers v.tr.(及物动词)To bestow (an honor, for example):授予:授予(例如,荣誉):例句:conferred a medal on the hero; conferred an honorary degree on her.授予英雄一枚勋章;授予她荣誉学位To invest with (a characteristic, for example):赋予:使带有(例如某种特征):例句:a carefully worded statement that conferred an aura of credibility onto the administration`s actions.这份措辞谨慎的声明确立这些行政措施的可信度v.intr.(不及物动词)To meet in order to deliberate together or compare views.协商:聚在一起讨论或交换意见来源:Latin cônferre 拉丁语 cônferre com- [com-] com- [前缀,.一起.] ferre [to bring] * see bher- ferre [带来] *参见 bher- 【引伸】confer.mentn.(名词)confer.rableadj.(形容词)confer.raln.(名词)confer.rern.(名词)<参考词汇><同义词>confer,advise,consult,parley,treat同义词>The central meaning shared by these verbs is .to exchange views in order to reach a decision or resolve differences.: 这些动词的中心意思都是.交换意见以达成协议或解决分歧.: 例句:a doctor conferring with a patient;医生与病人交换意见;例句:a board chairperson advising with the members;董事会主席向会员们征询意见;例句:has to consult with an attorney;不得不向律师求助;例句:parleyed with enemy representatives during the cease-fire;停火期间与敌方代表谈判;例句:delegates treating for the recognition of their union. 代表们商议对他们联盟的承认问题 参考词汇>
v.(动词)vi. 商谈,商议 consult or discussvt. 授予,赋予 give or grant (a degree, title, favor)
Verb:have a conference in order to talk something over;
"We conferred about a plan of action"
"The university conferred a degree on its most famous former student, who never graduated""bestow an honor on someone"
用作动词(v.)I must confer with my lawyer before I decide.我必须先同我的律师商量一下才能做出决定。I will confer with him on the subject.我将和他商议这件事。The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.女王将爵士头衔授予几位杰出人士。The university confers master degree on her.学校授予她硕士学位。
用作动词(v.)用作及物动词S+~+ n./pron.Jogging will confer striking benefits.慢跑会带来明显益处。
confer, award, give, grant, present这组词都有“给予”的意思。其区别是:give是最普通用语。present较正式,指以一定的形式或程序赠给,并暗示所给的物有一定的价值。例如:When Mr. Brown left the firm, the director presented a gold watch to him.布朗先生离开这家公司时,董事长送给他一只金表。grant指依照对方的希望或要求给予,有权者以正式手续给予。例如:They have been granted permission to pull down the old theatre.他们已获准拆除这座旧戏院。award指有充分理由给予奖赏。例如:She's been awarded a scholarship to study at Oxford University.她获得了去牛津大学念书的奖学金。confer指地位较高者把名誉或地位授予较低者。例如:An honorary degree was conferred on him by the university.这所大学授予他荣誉学位。