造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
下面为您提供关于【set down造句】内容,供您参考。
1、Competing snails must reach the edge of the table once set down in the middle.(参赛的蜗牛都被放在桌子中央,先到达桌子边缘的获胜。)
2、I set down my roller and cracked a beer for Nick.(我放下滚刷,给尼克开了瓶啤酒。)
3、The woman set down her bag and set forth her purpose in coming.(这名妇女放下她的包后阐明了她的来意。)
4、When it was set down, I marveled, “I can’t believe how thin this top layer is!(当馅饼被放到桌上的那刻,我惊讶不已,“我简直不能相信馅饼的顶层竟能做得这么薄!)
5、He was the one who first set down the stories of the Celtic storytellers.(他是第一个将凯尔特说书人讲的故事记载下来的人。)
6、Don't you set down on the steps.(不要在台阶上停下来。)
7、He was set down as a fool.(他被看成是个傻瓜。)
8、And also he set down every sensible doubtful point.(并且他还记下每一条明显的疑点。)
9、That's good, but not good enough. Words mean more than what is set down on paper.(这很好,但还不够好,言语的含义不仅是写在纸上的那点。)
10、emerson would always set down new ideas that occurred to him.(爱默生总是把他突然想到的新想法写下来。)
11、Let me set down here part of what I wrote in a letter, at a more advanced age, about the Morning Songs.(让我在这里记下我在上了年纪时,所写的关于《晨歌集》的信件中的一部分。)
12、The clay was taken from the furnace and set down upon a board, in the cool air, under the blue sky.(黏土从灶中取出,放在一块木板上面,让它在蓝天之下凉风之中去慢慢冷却。)
13、About this poem of my eighteenth year let me set down here what I wrote in a letter when I was thirty.(关于这一首我十八岁时候写的诗,且让我把我三十岁时候写在一封信里的话,记在这下面。)
14、He didn't so much as ask me to set down.(他甚至没有请我坐下。)
15、It is not necessary to set down the rest of the oration.(没有必要把这篇演说的其余部分写下来。)
16、The standards were set down by the governing body.(这些标准是由管理机构制订的。)
17、Passengers may be set down and picked up only at the official stops.(乘客只有在正式车站方可上下车。)
18、There's a way to be direct and set down boundaries in your message without sounding as crude as they are.(有一种直接的方式,就是给自己的信函里设置一个度,使其听起来不会像他们讲的一样粗鲁。)
19、Copyrights are automatically granted to creators as soon as their creations are set down in permanent form.(只要创作者的创作被以永久的格式固定下来,版权就会被自动授予创作者。)
20、If he hit that dime only on the edge he would set down and cry--and curse.(如果他没有打中正中心,他就会坐下来哭泣——还有咒骂。)
21、Passengers are set down at Molete Motor Park.(乘客在莫里特站下车。)
22、One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above.(有一架直升机在他们下面的海滩上降落,其余的直接降落在断崖上。)
23、When the soup - the centerpiece of the meal - was set down before me, I ate it.(当这顿饭的主菜鱼翅羹摆在我面前时,我还是把它吃了。)
24、Ms Di Censo agreed and has now set down the first hearing in Milan on April 6th.(法官Censo女士已同意并取消了4月6日在米兰的第一轮听证。)
25、Top priority for me is getting him off this plane so I can finally set down my gun.(现在对于我来说最要紧的事就是让他下飞机,这样我就能放下我的枪了。)
26、Some stayed for a few years. Others set down roots and stayed for many generations.(有的人呆了几年,有的人在那里落地生根,一住好多代。)
27、They set down the palanquin and knocked three times with a copper hammer.(他们放下轿子,以一柄铜锤敲了三次门。)
28、It might be something like that, a tiny something that one would set down like a couple of elements.(这类似于很小的事情,有人会把它们像一系列元素一样列出来。)
29、Eventually he set down his impressions in a book, Civilization in the United States.(最终,在他所著的《美国文明》一书中,他记录下了自己对美国的最终印象。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。