

2022-05-03 来源:意榕旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、It's an instantly likable title with its charming doodle-like visuals. But best of all is that it's free, so it's a complete steal.(迷人的涂鸦风格更是人见人爱。最好的就是,它还免费---“便宜的像偷来的一样”。)

2、You can take notes, doodle between (or during) meetings and make phone calls.(若您足以单手掌控这台设备,那么搭配上内置的触控笔书写笔记应该会非常惬意才是,你将可以随意涂鸦、做会议笔记并可随时拨打电话。)

3、doodle-bug, doodle-bug, tell me what I want to know!(小甲虫,小甲虫,告诉我这究竟是怎么回事!)

4、This week's comic doodle reportedly only shows in the US, unless you call up a special URL.(据报道,本周的漫画涂鸦只在美国展示,除非你访问一个特定的统一资源定位地址。)

5、So far, my doodle is as static as the virtual paper it's sitting on.(到目前为止,我的涂鸦就像它所在的虚拟纸张一样静止。)

6、Creating a doodle typically takes four weeks, with special consideration given to ones for the search engine's international sites.(完成一幅Google涂鸦一般需要四周的时间,如果这个涂鸦需要应用在Google的国际网站上时更需要特别的考虑。)

7、I often doodle when I'm on the phone.(我打电话时常常信手乱画。)

8、This made him look like a doodlebug, so I began calling him "doodle".(这使他看上去像一只幼虫,所以我开始叫他“嘟嘟”。)

9、The best way to start a DSL is to doodle around and sketch something that looks right.(开始DSL的最好方式是随手写一些看起来正确的代码。)

10、Google has marked today's lunar eclipse with a special 'doodle' and live video stream to show the progress of the natural phenomenon.(为了纪念今天的月全食,谷歌推出了一个特别的“涂鸦”,用实时视频流展示了这一自然景观的全过程。)

11、We wanted to integrate them both into the doodle and the result was countless hours of going through ideas and working out sketches.(我们希望把两者结合,结果花了无数个小时来构思和画草图。)

12、"Cecco," he said in his most steely voice, "go back and fetch me out that doodle-doo."(“塞柯,”他用最冷冰冰的腔调说,“回去把喔喔叫给我带来。”)

13、His latest application, doodle Kids, allows users to draw pictures using their fingers and then clear the screen by shaking the iPhone.(在他最新的程序doodleKids,用户可以用手指来画图,然后只要摇晃iphone就可以擦除。)

14、Don't doodle on notes. We just want to know what will happen in the end.(别在笔记上乱画。我们只是想知道最后会怎样。)

15、As she entered the courtyard, the cock who was perched on the well, called out: "Cock-a-doodle-doo!"(她一走进院子,蹲在井边的公鸡就叫道:“喔——喔——喔!”)

16、The doodle is the latest in the recent rehabilitation of Confucius.(在近来孔子复兴热中,这个涂鸦是最新的表现。)

17、You care about them, in your own whack-a-doodle way, that's obvious.(很显然你在乎他,用你自己那幼稚的方法去在乎他。)

18、Only 1% said they used online scheduling tools like doodle, Tungle or SkedgeMe.(只有1%的人表示他们会使用doodle、Tungle或SkedgeMe等在线日程工具。)

19、Let them fight the doodle-doo for their lives.(让他们为自己的生命而跟喔喔叫打吧。)

20、the black and white chequerboard doodle suggests patience and persistence.(黑白两色的棋盘涂鸦解释了绘画者的耐心和耐力。)

21、"S'death and odds fish," he thundered, "who is to bring me that doodle-doo?"(“王八蛋活见鬼,”他吼道,“谁要去给我把那个喔喔叫带来?”)

22、If you'd like to try out the premium doodle free for a year, just use the coupon code: vyhrsa2f (all lowercase) when you sign up.(如果想试用一年的doodle,在注册时请使用优惠码:vyhrsa2f。)

23、I looked at my desk in case the answer was there, but the only thing on my page was a doodle of an anatomically correct heart.(我低头看着书桌,以防答案就在那儿,可是我的书上只是胡乱涂着一只在解剖学上正确无误的心脏。)

24、Despite the unfortunate name, doodle is a dead-simple Web app for scheduling a meeting.(尽管名字难听,但doodle却是一款极其简单的会议安排应用。)

25、This week’s comic doodle reportedly only shows in the US, for instance, unless you call up a special URL.(比如,据报道本周的漫画涂鸦只能被允许在美国公开展示。除非你访问一个特定的地址。)

26、doodle, scribble, and inscribe your memory in a special way so that you may share it.(你可以进行涂鸦,也可以随便写写,把你们的回忆用特殊的方式记录下来,这样你们就能分享这些东西。)

27、I remember the users' comments and there's always one who says thanks for the Valentine's Day doodle – it reminded me.(我阅读过很多用户对徽标的意见,总有人说“感谢情人节的徽标”,这让我回忆起设计它的乐趣。”)

28、They may doodle the person's name or think of their special someone while a particular song is playing.(听到某一首歌,他们也许就会不经意的写下这个人的名字或是想起他们。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


