专利名称:Open channel solid phase extraction
systems and methods
发明人:Douglas T. Gjerde,Christopher T. Hanna申请号:US10792975申请日:20040304公开号:US07122640B2公开日:20061017
摘要:The invention provides, inter alia, methods of extracting an analyte from asolution comprising the steps of: passing a solution containing an analyte through anextraction channel having a solid phase extraction surface, whereby analyte adsorbs tothe extraction surface of said extraction channel; purging bulk liquid from said extractionchannel; and eluting the analyte by passing a desorption solvent through the channel.The invention further provides reagents, columns and instrumentation related to this andother methods.
申请人:Douglas T. Gjerde,Christopher T. Hanna
地址:Saratoga CA US,San Francisco CA US
代理人:Christopher M. Holman,Sue S. Kalman