Lesson 7
I. Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given blow:
1. You’ve no doubt seen those TV shows where the child who has “made it” is confronted, as a surprise, by her own mother and father, tottering in weakly from backstage.
A. drowse打瞌睡 B. beguile欺骗 C. scamper奔跑 D. stagger
2. She pins on my dress a large orchid, even though she has told me once that she thinks orchids are tacky flowers.
gluttonous贪吃的 B. vulgar 庸俗的;粗俗的;粗野的;不雅的
A. C. sensuous感官的sensual肉欲的 D. ominous凶兆的auspicious吉利的
Tacky :俗气的
3. Have you ever seen a lame animal, perhaps a dog run over by some careless person rich enough to own a car…
A. plight B. derelict被抛弃的 C. crippled D. delude欺骗
sb/yourself (into doing sth) 欺骗;哄骗 deceive
4. …a look of concentration on her face as she watched the last dingy gray board of the house fall in toward the red-hot brick chimney.
A. gloomy B. grimy脏的 C. desultory D. clemency仁慈
dingy 又黑又脏的;昏暗的;肮脏的
5. When the white folks poisoned some of the herd, the men stayed up all night with rifles in their hands.
A. pistol B. ridge C. loot D. a long gun
Pistol -自动手枪 ridge-山脊 隆起 (动)使隆起
loot-战利品 (动)抢劫
6. There are no real windows, just some holes cut in the sides, like the
portholes in a ship, but not round and not square, with rawhide (生皮)holding the shutters up on the outside.
A. leather B. random C. Razor(剃须刀 刮面刀) D. dilemma
7. From the other side of the car comes a short, stocky man.
A. brackish有盐味的,可恶的 B. sturdy强壮的,坚定地,牢固的 C. Evasive(回避提问的 推脱的)
D. Alleviate(减轻 缓和)
8. In both of them were scraps of dresses Grandma Dee had worn fifty and more years ago.
A. comatose昏迷的 B. conjecture C. Fragment(碎片 使碎裂) irascible易怒的
9. “Well,” I said, stumped. “What would you do with them?”
A. perplex B. latent (潜在的) C. inundate淹没 D. peculiar
Stump 使为难 perplex 迷惑;使困惑
10. I looked at her hard. She had filled her bottom lip with checkerberry snuff and it gave her face a kind of dopey, hangdog look.
A. pristine B. prodigal浪费的,浪子 C. protract延长 D. Scent
Snuff (动词)熄灭 嗅 (名)鼻烟
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 尽管发了水灾, 今年的农业产出损失并不严重。
___Despite the flood, the loss of agricultural output in this year is not serious
2. 我怎么也想象不出你能做出什么不光彩的事来。
__i can nt image how you can do such a inglorious thing _______________________________________________________________
3. 这段引文的来源很难查找到。
_It is difficult to find the source of this quotation.
4. 他们的生活方式可以追溯到一千多年前他们的祖先所开创的古老传统。
Their way of life can be traced back to the ancient traditions which are created by their ancestors more than one thousand years ago.
Lesson 8
I. Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:
1. …Mortenson was disheartened by the prospect before him.
A. expectation B. opportunity
C. possibility D. prosperity
2. The insults ignited my anger.
A. burned B. excited C. glowed D. heated
3. The Balti, lacking a written language, compensated by passing down exacting oral history.
A. pay back B. cash C. curl up D. offset
4. Haji Ali was in a hurry to sanctify the school, but not to build it.
A. consecrate B. holy C. convert D. legal
5. The scientist envisioned an operation that could grow as fast as one of his semiconductor companies…
A. watch B. expect C. imagine D. picture
6. …and he was determined that there would be no more interminable meetings and banquets…
A. endless B. tired C. exhaustive/exhaustible D. forever
7. Three weeks later, with Mortenson demoted from foreman to spectator, …
A. reduce in rank B. rise in rank
C. reduce in salary D. rise in salary
8. It was this conservative mullah’s way of showing his support for educating all the children of Korphe, even the girls.
A. fashionable B. continual
C. traditional D. changeable
9. He made a show of being a devout Muslim…
A. loyal B. polite C. civilized D. pious
10. Here was this illiterate man, who’d hardly ever left his little village in the Karakoram…
A. literary B. stupid C. ignorant D. wise
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 丝绸之路连接起了众多奇异城邦。
2. 他意识到这么多冗长的会议会使他无法迅速地完成项目。
3. 如果你的公司想在那个地区发展,就必须尊重他们的风俗。
4. “我要利润的五分之一”,他吼道。
Lesson 9
I. Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:
1. Farmers and scholars, statesmen and patriots who had traveled across the ocean to escape tyranny and persecution…
A. dictation B. president C. dictatorship D. presidency
2. …the answer to the slavery question was already embedded within our Constitution…
A. lie B. implant C. find D. ensure
3. I have brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, uncles and cousins, of every race and every hue…
A. race B. color C. language D. culture
4. …we built a powerful coalition of African Americans and white Americans.
A. weapon B. force C. alliance D. power
5. …that it’s based solely on the desire of wide-eyed liberals to purchase racial reconciliation on the cheap.
A. happiness B. coordination C. decency D. misery
6. …use incendiary language to express views that have the potential not only to widen the racial divide, but views that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation…
A. watch B. expect C. defame D. portray
7. …racially charged at a time when we need to come together to solve a set of
monumental problems…
A. significant B. outstanding C. stony无情的,多石的 D. phenomenal现象的,显著的
8. …a chronic health care crisis and potentially devastating climate change…
A. clinic B. lasting C. slow D. progress
9. Not once in my conversations with him have I heard him talk about any ethnic group in derogatory terms…
A. disparaging B. positive C. lazy D. feminine
10. …and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.
A. step B. lean C. roar D. recoil
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 美国宪法赋予公民平等的权力,奴隶制的解决方案早已蕴含在其中了。
2. 几代人都为了缩小理想和现实之间的差距而不断奋斗。
3. 联合政府执政数月后,严重的经济问题开始浮出水面。
4. 奥巴马毫不含糊地批评了莱特带有煽动性的分裂言论。
5. 这件事使我深刻地意识到,团结起来我们就能解决医疗、教育、就业等一系列问题。
Lesson 11
I. Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:
1. The grass turns brittle and brown, it cracks beneath your feet.
A. cruel B. easily broken C. go fast D. hard
2. She had lived to be very old and at last infirm.
A. strong B. determined C. fixed D. feeble
3. …and they never understood the grim, unrelenting advance of the U.S. Cavalry.
A. irresistible B. yielding C. relentless D. flexible
4. In Palo Duro Canyon they abandoned their crucial stores to pillage and had nothing then but their lives.
A. looting B. firing C. protecting D. killing
5. They wore great black hats and bright ample shirts that shook in the wind.
A. insufficient B. large C. angry D. petty
6. The great billowing clouds that sail upon it are shadows that move upon the grain like water…
A. sway B. twist C. increase D. howl
7. My grandmother had a reverence for the sun, a holy regard that now is all but gone out of mankind.
A. respect B. ponder C. depression D. honor
8. In order to consummate the ancient sacrifice — to impale the head of a buffalo bull upon the medicine tree — a delegation of old men journeyed into
A. commemorate B. complete C. raise D. gather
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 地震发生的时候,学校的孩子们惊慌失措。
2. 这里的美景比我来之前想象的还要动人心魄。
3. 站在甲板上,我不由感叹,大海的浩瀚真是无与伦比。
4. 敌人连滚带爬地在森林里四处逃窜。
5. 他四处漂泊,最终还是回到了家乡。
Lesson 12
I. Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:
1. …has been diverted in an ill-considered irrigation scheme to grow cotton in the desert.
A. turn down B. turn C. move or strike gently D. switch on
2. …a small reduction in one country’s emissions had changed the amount of pollution found in the remotest end least accessible place on earth.
A. flexible B. executable
C. approachable D. executable
3. …in a small tent pitched on a twelve-toot-thick slab of ice floating in the frigid Arctic Ocean.
A. freezing B. noctilucent
C. torrid D. scorching
4. …or “pressure ridges” of ice that are pushed up like tiny mountain ranges when separate sheets collide.
A. crush B. huddle
C. hover D. crash
5. …precisely at the equator in Brazil – where billowing clouds of smoke regularly blacken the sky above the immense but now threatened Amazon rain forest.
A. surge B. soar C. slash猛砍 D. stab
6. …first cloaked in the evening darkness; shimmering above us with a translucent whiteness, these clouds seem quite unnatural.
A. blot弄脏 B. beam C. glimmer D. trap
7. …in such quantity as to threaten the beast with extinction, we are ripping matter from its place in the earth in such volume as to upset the balance between daylight and darkness.
A. laying out B. dying out
C. handing out D. putting out
8. The increased levels of chlorine disrupt the global process by which the earth regulates the amount of ultraviolet radiation…
A. disturb B. abrupt C. invade D. immerse
9. …to exploit the earth for sustenance — making the consequences, of unrestrained exploitation every bit as unthinkable as the consequences of unrestrained nuclear war…
A. forbearance忍耐 B. resemblance C. vigilance D. maintenance
10. …the superpowers and is based on an obsolete understanding of what war is all about.
A. suspended B. outdated C. anticipated D. original
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 过去,我们对这个问题的认识比较肤浅、简单。
2. 他们有正当的理由拒绝这份工作。
3. 她的律师说她明白自己行为的后果并准备去坐牢。
4. 那些由于工作而导致患上哮喘的人可以得到补偿。
5. 政府方面对他的评论一直没有反应。
6. 公路四通八达。
7. 农民应该获得与城镇人相当的收入。
8. 这种控制和依附关系实际上渗透到各个方面。
Lesson 13
I. Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:
1. …in the evening she wears soft rich colors, dark red, olive green, midnight
blue, always of the most supple flowing texture.
A. rich colors B. flexible C. purple D. support
2. …he says he used to read me, and is rather charmingly deferential, prefacing his remarks by ‘Of course it’s not for me to suggest to you…’ and then…
A. surface B. anticipate C. front D. introduct
3. A new Clovis, loving what I have despised, and suffering from…
A. dislike B. dismiss C. depress D. defer
4. …and there is nothing but the intermittent gleam of a lighthouse on a solitary promontory.
A. internal B. interminable C. constant D. occasional
5. So do I let my imagination play over the recesses of Laura’s character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers…
A. concern B. cultivate C. plant D. gather
6. I have been exhilarated by two days of storms…
A. excite B. resent C. challenge D. provoke
7. …to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice, the desire to score off my neighbor…
A. good desire B. loyalty C. ill will D. ill treatment
8. Dismissive as a Pharisee, I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane.
A. empty B. contemptuous C. longing D. rebellious
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 不立刻做出正确的决定将会使整个事情变得很困难。
2. 他太胆小,不敢开创新的事业。
3. 破产的农民除了当土匪之外别无生路。
4. 我知道你们男人懂得如何用虚情假意的言辞来蒙骗我们女人。
5. 他把空余时间都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。
6. 要及时处理那些日常函件,不要积压成堆。
7. 应该给官兵更多的假期来调剂他们单调的生活。
8. 他又撇着嘴笑,不过这次带着一丝酸楚。
9. 四天的降雨过后,水势已开始慢慢退去。
Lesson 15
I. Choose the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:
1. At nine o’clock, three gray destroyers steamed into view, ahead of a battleship camouflaged in swirls of color like snakeskin.
A. disguise B. explode C. recover D. spread like a flag
2. Pug Henry, watching this unwonted disorder on a warship with mixed feelings of amusement and outrage, felt a touch on his elbow.
A. serious B. usual C. undesirable D. rare
3. The President towered over everybody, stiff on braced legs, in a big brown suit, one hand holding his hat on his heart, the other clutching the arm of his son…
A. grasp B. hook C. fix D. fall
4. The President desires to talk with him before Churchill comes to call, so expedite.
A. expire B. exceed C. accelerate D. export
5. Roosevelt stood a full head taller, but he was pathetically braced on lifeless leg frames…
A. pitifully B. apathetically C. violently D. vigorously
6. Yet there was a trace of deference about the Prime Minister.
A. reference B. hesitation C. deterioration D. yielding
7. …unreal plans, unfilled contracts, jumbled priorities, fouled communications.
A. mix B. bounce C. block D. escape
8. The predicament of England seemed soaked in their bones.
A. permeate B. suck C. dissolve D. wash
9. …hardly breathed as Roosevelt painfully hobbled across the narrow unsteady planks.
A. hide B. limp C. like D. run
10. He saw perplexed looks, lengthening faces, and headshakes, as Attlee read off the Atlantic Charter.
A. complicated B. confused C. surprised D. delighted
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. 清晨的雾中,一辆火车渐渐驶入视线,缓缓进站停了下来。
2. 随着国旗缓缓升起,交响乐团奏起了国歌。
3. 他站在山尖,一脸凝重地望着远方。
4. 历经了狂风暴雨之后,这艘船终于抵达了目的地。
5. 商业谈判远远不是请客吃饭这么简单。