类型7| 通知
上午:英语口语,美国文化讲座。 下午:爬山,游泳,做游戏。
晚上:英语晚会,唱英语歌,演话剧,有时看英语录像(English videotapes)。 有意者请于6月20日至6月24日到教务处报名、登记。 日期:2017.6.11
[习作评阅]——自我修改三档作文 NOTICE 1.杜绝语法错误 An English summer camp is going to ① hold in Beidaihe ①处hold改为be held by Beijing University from July 25 to August 10. In the morning,spoken English and some lectures about American culture ② is arranged.In the afternoon,3
②处is arranged改为will be arranged ③处activity改为2
students are going to take part in some activities such as climbing mountains,swimming,and playing games. activities ④处which改为where In the evening,English ③activity will be held,④which ⑥处want改为wanting students will sing some English songs,and put on some English plays.⑤ (有时看英语录像。) Those ⑥want to go should come to register from June 20 to June 24,in the Teaching Affair Office. 2.要点一定不要遗漏 补上⑤处要点:Sometimes they can watch some English Beijing University videotapes. Jun.11,2017 [自我提升]——向极优作文迈进 NOTICE ①An English summer camp is going to be held in Beidaihe 高级句型 by Beijing University from July 25 to August 10. 用there be句型改写句In the morning,spoken English and some lectures about ①:There will be an American culture will be arranged.In the afternoon,English summer camp students are going to take part in some activities such as in Beidaihe by Beijing climbing mountains,swimming,and playing games. In the evening,English activities will be held,at which students will sing some English songs,and put on some English plays.Sometimes they can watch some English videotapes. University from July 25 to August 10. 用whoever改写句②:Whoever wants to go should come to register 24,in the Teaching ②Those who want to go should come to register from June from June 20 to June 20 to June 24,in the Teaching Affair Office. Beijing University Affair Office. Jun.11,2017