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中国组织工程研究与临床康夏第1I蕾第 期2007—09—09{{5版 .JournalofClinicalRehabilitativeTissueEngineeringResearch September9 2007 Vo1" No 36 Ex EX press i●onS of hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha andonS pox a ● inducible nitric oxide synthase gene in the development of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in rats★ He Zhen—hua ,Dai Ai—guo ,Zhang Xiu—feng ,Tan Xiao—wu ’Department of Respiration. Second Hospital Affil憎_ted to Nanhua University. Hengyang 421001, Hunan Province China: Hunan Provinciaf Gedatdc Hospita1. Changsha 410001 Hunan Province.China He Zhen-hua★ Master. Chief physician, Master's tutor.Department of Respiration, Second HospRat A所liated to Nanhua University. Hengyang 421001, Hunan Province China zhhhh64@yahoo com cn Received:2006-10-27 Accepted:2007・05-17 (06-50—1O-7776/SHM) He ZH Daj AG Zhang XF.Tan XW Expressions of hypoxia inducibte 『actor-1 alpha and inducible nitric oxide synthase gene In the development of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension jn rats Zhongguo Zuzhi Gongcheng Yanjiu yu Linchuang Kangfu 2007:1 1 (36} :7290-7294(Chinal 【www zglckf com/ zglckflejournal/ upfiles/07-36/ 36k-7290(ps}pdf] 7290 Abst ract BACKGROUND:The dynamic changes of hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha(HIF-a)and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS)genes in the pulmonary artery wall during the process of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension(HPH)development need to be investigated. OBJ ECTIVE:This study was to observe the gene expressions of HIF—a and iNOS in the pulmonary artery wall at the diferent hypoxic time points,and to investigate their effects in HPH development. DESIGN:Controlled observation animal experiment SETFING:Department of Respiration,Second Hospital Afifliated to Nanhua University MATERIALS:FO healthy male Wistar rats of clean grade,aged 6-8 weeks,with body mass of(220+10)g were involved in this study.They were randomized into control group(n:8)and hypoxia group(n--32).Four time points,i.e. 3,7,14,and 21 days after hypoxia were set for the animals in the hypoxia group,8 rats at each time point. METHODS:This study was carried out jn the lnstitute of Oncology. Nanhua University between August 2004 and December 2005.Rats in the hypoixa group were treated according to the method reported bv Li ef a/.Hypoxia treatment was omitted for the rats in the controI group.At each time point.the rats were anesthetized.and then a micro-catheter was inserted into the right jugular vein and connected to a multichannel physiologic recorder. which was used for detecting the mean pulmonary arteriaI pressure(mPAP).The heart of each euthanized rat was taken out.and its right ventricle(RV),and Ieft ventricle and septum(LV+S)were weighted.Right ventricaI hypertrophy index(RVHI)retiected right ventricle hypertrophy degree.Right upper lung tissue of rat was harvested for haematoxylin&eosin(HE)staining and elastic fiber staining.Pathological image analysis software was used to determine pulmonary arterial walI area/totaI vascular area,Iumina areal totaI vascular area.smooth muscle celI density in the media of pulmonary arteriole.and media thickness of pulmonary arteriole.which were used as remodeling indexes of pulmonary arteriole.HIF-1a and iNOS in the pulmonary arteriole were performed in situ hybridization and immunohistochemicaI detection The mean absorbance of pulmonary arteriole walJ was used as the relative content of mRNA expression and protein Jevel MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: ①Changes in mPAP, RV hypertrophy degree and remodeling indexes of pulmonary arteriole of arts②Expressions of HIF—a and iNOS as we as their correlations with mPAP and remodeling indexes of pulmonary arteriole. RESULTS:AI Ithe 40 Wistar rats were involved in the finaI analysis.(1)At hypoxia 7 days.mPAP was significantly higher than that of controI group(P<0.05).mPAP reached to the high leveI at hypoxia 1 4 days.and then maintained at this leve1.②At hypoxia 14 days,RVH1 was higher than that of control group(P<0.05).⑧At hypoxia 7 days,pulmonary arteriole wal1 was thickened.and Iumina became narrowed.There were signiifcant diferences in pulmonary arteria1 walI area/totaI vascular area.Iumina areal total vascular area between hypoxia group and controI group(P<0.05).At hypoxia 1 4 days.smooth muscle celJ density jn the intima—media of pulmonary arteriole.and jntima—media thickness of pulmonary arteriole were signifiacntly increased(P<0.05).At hypoxia 21 days,Iumina was further narrowed.and obvious smooth muscle hyperplasy was found.H JF.1a and iNOS mRNA expression presented weak—positive jn the controI group:The relative content of HIF一1 a mRNA did not signiifcantly alter at hypoxia 3 and 7 days. but was obviously increased at hypoxia 14 days.and after this.it maintained at high Jeve1. iNOS mRNA was markedly higher than that in the controJ group at hypoxia 3 days,reached its peak at hypoxia 7 days.was close to the IeveI in the controI group at hypoxia 14 days.and enhanced again at hypoxia 21 days.but it was stilllower than that at hypoxia 3 days.( HIF—a was mainly found in the intima and media.while iNOS was found in the whole Iayer of vessels.iNOS was weakly expressed in the intima and media of pulmonary vessels in the controI group.No obvious dlfierence in iNOS existed at hypoxia 3 days as compared with controI group iNOS was obviously expressed in media and intima at hypoxia 7 days.Vascular media was thickened at hypoxia 1 4 days.and the expression of iNOS was enhanced.iN0S was nOt fOund in the vascuIar adventitia in the cOntrOI gn)up,but was fOund in the vascuIar adventitia in the hypOxia gn)up. mPAP was pOsitiveIy c0rreIated with puImonary vascuIar remodeIing(r:0.976,户<0.01),and HIF.1 a mRNA was positiveIy correIated with iN0S pr0tein(厂= 0.927,户<0.05). C0NCLUSION: BOth H JF一1a and iN0S exert efrects in the pr0cess Of HPH develOpment Of阳ts, and H JF一1a and iN0S gene expressiOn may be mutually reguIated. P O.B0x 1200,Shenyang 1 100o4 k『23385O83@s.na c0m wv .zgIcl(f.c0m 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com

ISSN 1673-8225 CN 21—1539/R 何=II;吾 笙缺氧诱导因子1 和诱导型一氧化氮合酶基因在缺氧性肺动脉高压 ww ̄.zg/ckfcom kf23385083@sina.com ’ 大鼠发病过程中的表达 f0rma¨n, embedded by parafin, sliced at 4 m level and INTRoDUCTIoN Hypoxic pulmonary hypertension(HPH)includes hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction(HPV) and hypoxic pulmonary artery remolding (HPRS)two main attack links,HPV appears at the early stage of HPH. and Irreversible HPRS is in the chronic phase,Hypoxia inducible factor-1d(HIF一1d)is the main regulatory factor in hypoxia【1i, Hypoxia can induce the expression of HIF・1 d. and then which performed haematoxylin&eosin (HE) staining and elastic fiber staining,Three pulmonary tissue sections were selected fr0m each rat. Five pulmonary arterioles, each with very round section of 100—150 m diameter,were randomly chosen from each section, Pathological image analysis software(PIPS一2020 type)was used to determine pulmonary arterial wall area/total vascular area (WA%),lumina areal total vascular area(LA%),smooth muscle cell density (SMCD) in the media of pulmonary arteriole(the number of cel lnucleus per 1 000 m ), and media thickness of activates the transcription of hypoxia response genes.Inducible nitric oxide synthase(iNOS)protein expression is strengthened during the process of chronic hypoxia in rats[2], /n vitro experiment have demonstrated that under the hypoxic pulmonary arteriole (PAMT), which were used as remodeling indexes of pulmonary arteriole, condition of endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells In the pulmonary arterioles.HIF-1d plays a key role in the iNOS gene transcription regulation【3],The dynamic changes of HlF.1d and iNOS gene expressions in the pulmonary arteriole wall and their correlations remain unclear, ln this study。 we created rat models of chronic HPH to obsewe gene expressions of HlF.1d and iNOS in the pulmonary arteriole wall at the different phases of HPH development, MATERIALS AND METHoDS MateriaIs This study was carried out in the Institute of Oncology(Key Laboratory of Hunan Province),Nanhua University between August 2004 and December 2005,Forty healthy male Wistar rats of clean grade,aged 6-8 weeks,with body mass of(220 ̄10)g,were involved in this study【Certiifcation No,syxk(xiang)2004—001 3],They were randomized into control group(n:8)and hypoxia group(n= 32).Four time points。Le,3,7,14,and 21 daIys after hypoxia were set for the animals in the hypoxia group。8 rats at each time point, Oxygen concentration meter(Sichuang Kangda Dianzi Co,,Ltd), multichannel physiologic recorder(AD Instrument pty Ltd USA), multiphase OlIgOnucleOtide probe, and rabbit anti—rat polyclonal antibody kit (Boster BIoenginee g Co.,Ltd, Wuhan) were used in this study, Methods Rats in the hypoxia group were treated according to the method reported bv Li ef a/【4i as foIlows,The rats were subjected to 8.hour intermitent ventilation. and the oxygenatbn concentration was(10±0,5)%.Oxygenation concentration in the hypoxic box was monitored bv OxYgen concentration meter,The redundant water and carbon dioxide were absorbed by anhydrous calcium chloride and calcined lime,Ammfne concentration in the hypoxia box was decreased by boric acid. Rats in the control group were placed in the same room,They were treated the same as those in the hypoxia group except hypoxia treatment was omited. Determinations of mean pulmonary arterial Pressure (mPA PJ andright ventircalhypertrophyindex(RVHI) Each rat was anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of 1 0 g/L pentobarbital sodium(40 mg/kg), and then according to reported method 15i。 a micro-actheter was inserted into the right iugular vein and connected to a multichannel physiologic recorder, which was used for detecting mPAP.The heart of each euthanized rat was taken out and fixed for 48 hours in 1 00 g/L forma¨n.and its right ventricle (RV),and left ventricle and septum(LV+S)were weighted,Right ventriacl hypertrophy Index (RVHI) retiected right ventricle hypertrophy degree:RVHl:RV/(LV+S). 舶伊 o,.'鸟rjcla,a,,a,ysjs o,pl,,mo门a,y a,1le Io,es The han,ested right upper lung tissue Of阳t was xed In 1 00 g,L 沈阳1200邮政信箱1 10004 I(f23385083@sina,com fww.zgIcI‘f.com ni situ hybridization of HIF-1(1 and iNos in pulmonary arteriole wall HIF一1 d and iNOS in the pulmonary arteriole were performed/n situ hybridization and Immunohistochemiacl detection,The mean absorbance of pulmonary arteriole wall was used as the relative content of mRNA expression and protein level,Digoxin.1abeled multiphase OligOnucleOtide probe sequence was used In this study. HIF.1 d:①5'-CAAAG CTCTG AGTAA 1一rC1一r CACCC TGCAG.3’: ②5’-ATCAT rACG TGAAT GTGGC CTG1.G CAGTG.3’:③ 5’・GTGAC AACTG ATCAA AGGAA CGTAA TCGGA.3’。iNOS:(1) 5’一AGAAT GCTGA G1一rCA TGAGG AAC1一r TCAGA.3’:(固5’. GCTGC TGGTG GCCCA CGCCT ACACC CGCTA.3’:( 5’. T1-CCT GCTCA ACATC CAGCT CTT_rG AGGAG.3’, Hybridization procedures foIlowed reference【5】,The samples were developed with DAB, And brown.positive results mainly appeared in the cytoplasm, Image analysis software(PIPS・2020 type)was used to detect the mean absorbance(A)values of pulmonary arteriole wall。 which were used as the relative contents of HlF一1 d and INOSmRNA expression, Detection of HIF-1 and iNoS in pulmonary arteriole wall by immunohistochemical method(SABC methodl Rabbit anti—rat polyclonal antibody,primary antibody.was diluted at 1:150, and SABC was secondary antibodV, lmmunohistochemiacl detection was conducted according to the method reported in literature【5】,Lung tissue was fixed with 100 g/L neutral forma¨n, embedded by paraffin.sliced.routinely dewaxed tIll water and treated vvith 30 g/L hydrogen dioxide for 1 0 minutes at room temperature. Subsequently.the sections were enveloped with normal goat serum. After primary antibody and secondary antibody being added.sections were developed with DAB.Brown.positive results were found,Two pulmonary tissue sections were selected fr0m each rat.Three pulmonary arterioles with round section of 1 00—1 50 um diameter were randomly chosen fr0m each section.Pathologiacl analysis software(PIPS一2020 type)was used to delec【the mean A vaIues of pulmOnary artenOle wa¨as the relative cOntents Of HlF.1d and iNOS prOtein expressiOn, Statistical analvsis StatistIcal analysis was carried Out by the th.rd authOr with SPSS 10,0 s0代ware, Data were exDressed as Mean±SD, f test was used f0r cOmparing inte叼r0up di仟erence, COrrelatiOn analysis was cOnducted between Hl襄一1 d, iNOS mRNA and cOCrespOndina protein cOntents, between mFlAP and micr0 mOrphOlOgical Indexes Of pulmOnary arteriOles, and between HlF.1 d expressIOn and INOS exDressiOn, RESULTS QuantitatiVe anaIysis of the experimentaI animaIs A¨the involved 40 Wistar rats entered the stage of nal analysfs withOut deletiOn, 7291 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com

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Nitdc oxide inhibits HIF-1 alpha protein accumulation under hypoxic conditions:impliaction of 2-oxoglutarate and iorn.Biochimie 2006;88(5):411.418 7294 背景:关于缺氧性肺动脉高压发病过程中缺氧诱导因子1d和诱导型一 氧化氮合酶在肺动脉壁内的动态变化尚需探讨。 目的:观察不同缺氧时间点肺动脉壁内缺氧诱导因子1d和诱导型一氧 化氮合酶基因表达,探讨其在缺氧性肺动脉高压发病机制中的作用。 设计:对比观察的动物实验。 单位:南华大学附属第二医院呼吸内科。 材料:选用健康雄性Wislar大鼠40只,清洁级,6-8周龄,体质量(220+ 10)g。按随机表法分为对照组(n=8)和缺氧组(n=32),其中缺氧组又 分为缺氧后3,7,14,21 d 4个时间点进行观察,每个时间点8只。 方法:实验于2O04—08/2005—12在南华大学肿瘤研究所完成。缺氧组大 鼠按李启芳报道的方法进行干预。对照组大鼠置于同一室内,除不缺氧 外,余同缺氧组。按照观察时间点将大鼠麻醉后,右颈外静脉插入微导 管,连接多导生理记录仪,检测大鼠肺动脉平均压。将大鼠处死取出心脏 称量右心室、左室加室间隔的质量,以右室肥大指数反映右心室肥厚程 度。取大鼠右上肺组织,进行苏木精一伊红染色和弹性纤维染色。用病理 图像分析软件测定肺动脉管壁面积,管总面积、管腔面积,管总面积、肺 细小动脉中膜平滑肌细胞密度、肺细小动脉中膜厚度作为肺小血管重塑 指标。对肺小血管壁缺氧诱导因子1d,诱导型一氧化氮合酶进行原位杂 交和免疫组织化学检测,以肺细小动脉管壁平均吸光度值作为mRNA 表达和蛋白水平的相对含量。 主要观察指标:①大鼠肺动脉平均压、右心室肥厚程度和肺小血管重塑 指标的变化。②缺氧诱导因子1和诱导型一氧化氮合酶的表达及其与肺 动脉平均压,肺血管重塑的关系。 结果:共纳入Wistar大鼠4O只全部进入结果分析。①缺氧7 d时肺动脉 平均压明显高于对照组(P<0.05),14 d达到最高水平,之后维持于此水 平。②缺氧14 d右心室肥大指数高于对照组(P<0.05)。③缺氧7 d肺 小动脉管壁增厚,管腔变窄,肺动脉管壁面积,管总面积、管腔面积,管 总面积与对照组比较,差异明显(P<0.05);缺氧14 d可见肺小动脉中 膜和肺细小动脉中膜平滑肌细胞密度增高,肺细小动脉中膜厚度明显增 加(P<0.05)。21 d管腔进一步变窄,平滑肌增生明显。④缺氧诱导因子 1和诱导型一氧化氮合酶mRNA的表达:对照组大鼠呈弱阳性表达;缺氧 3 d和7 d缺氧诱导因子1dmRNA相对量无明显变化,14 d时明显增 高,此后维持于高水平。诱导型一氧化氮合酶mRNA在缺氧3 d明显高 于对照组,7 d达到高峰,14 d接近对照组水平,21 d再次升高,但低于 缺氧3 d时。( 缺氧诱导因子1d主要表达于血管内膜和中膜.而诱导型 一氧化氮合酶表达涉及血管全层。诱导型一氧化氮合酶在对照组肺血管 内膜和中膜均弱阳性表达,缺氧3 d与对照组差异不明显,7 d中膜、内 膜表达明显,14 d血管中膜增厚,表达增强。在血管外膜,对照组诱导型 一氧化氮合酶为阴性,各缺氧组均阳性表达。( ̄mPAP与肺血管重塑正 相关(,=O.976,P<0.01),缺氧诱导因子1d mRNA与诱导型一氧化氮 合酶蛋白正相关(r=O.927,P<0.05)。 结论:缺氧诱导因子1d和诱导型一氧化氮合酶均在大鼠缺氧性肺动脉 高压的发病过程中发挥作用,且缺氧诱导因子1d与诱导型一氧化氮合 酶基因表达可能存在相互调控。 关键词:缺氧诱导因子1;诱导型一氧化氮合酶;缺氧,肺;基因表达 中图分类号:R544.16文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-8225(:2007)36-07290・05 何振华,戴爱国.张秀峰,谭小武.缺氧诱导因子1q和诱导型一氧化氮合酶基因在 缺氧性肺动脉高压大鼠发病过程中的表达【J】.中国组织工程研究与临床康复, 2007.11(36):7290-7294 [www.zglckf.ocm/zglckf/ejoumal/upfiles/07-36/36k-7290(ps).pdq (Edited by Zhang W/Song LP^^/ang L) P.O.Box 1200.Shenyang 1 10004 kf23385083@sina.corn www zglckf corn 
