


I. There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

1 .In those early days of settlement tigers were often heard, howling and for food in the nearby forest at night.

A. look B. foraging C. grabbing D. observing 2. I stood on the beach watching some fishermen a boat into the water. A. shove B. drew C. carried D. took 3. He so hard at the window sash that it broke, and the window came crashing down.

A. grabbed B. hoisted C. tugged D. freighted 4.The old lady stumbled over the first step and down the stairs. A. tumbled B. walked C. went D. indulged

5.Tom Sawyer tied his rotten tooth on to the bedpost, and then with a violent backward movement of his head, he it out of his mouth.

A.activated B. boosted C. yanked D. bumped 6.The cross-channel swimmer had to be out of the water exhausted. A. pushed B. averted C. soared D. pulled

7.The fishermen had taken such a huge catch that they had difficulty in the nets aboard.

A. hauling B. splashing C. drawing D. carrying

8.Some people either avoid questions of right and wrong or remain neutral about them.

A. violently B. enthusiastically C. sincerely D. deliberately 9.The shop assistant was straight with his customer. if an article was of quality he'd tell them so.

A. humble B. inferior C'. minor D. awkward

10.She once again went through her composition carefully to all spelling mistakes from it.

A. withdraw B. diminish C. abandon D. eliminate 11.Children are to have some accidents as they grow up.

A. obvious B. indispensable C. bound D, doubtless

12.If a person talks about his weak points, his listener is expected to say something by way of .

A. assurance B. persuasion C. encouragement D. confirmation

13.China started its nuclear power industry only in recent years, and should no time in catching up.

A. delay B. lose C. lag D. lessen 14.Small boys are questioners. They ask questions all the time. A. original B. imaginative C. peculiar D. persistent

15.He was enough to understand my questions from the gestures I made. A. intelligent B. efficient C. proficient D. diligent

16.The of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspects of the life style of the people

A. implementation B. manifestation C. demonstration D. expedition 17.The concern with the origins of the earth their study.

A. motivated B. advised C. excited D. impulsed 18.For the past two years, Audi cars have Germany's Touring Car Championship.

A. conquered B. dominated C. determined D. contested

19.Though in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life.

A. raised B. grown C. developed D. cultivated

20.Experts say walking is one of the best ways for a person to healthy. A. preserve B. stay C. maintain D. reserve

II. Use the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets to fill in the corresponding blank.

1 .The energy shortage of the world results partly from use by the industrialized countries. (waste)

2. Switzerland is famous for its watchmaking and beautiful (scene)

3. We are faced with the necessity to recognize that having more people implies a lower standard of living. (inevitable)

4. Dogs are often praised for their ;they almost never abandon their master. (loyal)

5. On turning the corner, we saw the road steeply. (descend) 6. It is my that the decision was a mistake. (persuade) 7. These small spiced cakes are a of the region. (peculiar) 8. We are in complete of your plans. (ignore)

9. She shows remarkable on stage for one so young. (assure) 10. Constant in bad habits brought about his ruin. (indulge)

11. Recently a number of cases have been reported of young children

a violent act previously seen on television. (duplicate) 12. His testimony is of no to the case. (relevant)

15. While shopping in a department store,I left my purse lying on a counter of handbags. (accident)

16. The country's embodies the ideals of freedom and equality


17.This riot is only one of people's discontent. (manifest) 18.What made you come and work in this ?(establish) 19.It is that you attend all the meetings. (essence)

20.He made some very claims about his record. (dispute)


There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage.

An important factor of leadership is attraction. This does not mean attractiveness in the ordinary sense, for that is a quality 1 our control. The leader has, nevertheless. to be a magnet. a 2 figure towards whom people are 3 . Magnetism in that sense depends, first of all, on being 4 . There is a type of authority which can be 5 from behind closed doors, but that is not leadership. 6 there is movement and action, the true leader is in the forefront and may seem, indeed, to be everywhere at once. He has to become a legend; the 7 for anecdotes, whether true or false; a character. One of the simplest devices is to be 8 on the occasion when the leader might be 9 to be there, enough in itself to start a rumor about the vital 10 which has detained him. To make up for this, he can 11 when least expected, giving rise to another story about the interest he can display 12 things which other folks might 13 as trivial. With this gift for 14 curiosity the leader always combines a reluctance to 15 about himself. His interest is plainly in other people; he questions them and encourages them to talk and then 16 all that is relevant. He never leaves a party 17 he has mentally tiled a minimum dossier on 18 present, ensuring that he knows 19 to say when he meets them again. He is not artificially extrovert but he would usually rather listen than talk. Others 20 gradually that his importance needs no proof.

1. A. beyond B. of C. under D. by 2. A. vital B. central C. strange D. conspicuous 3. A. united B. dragged C. drawn D. hauled 4. A. observed B. noticed C. watched D. seen 5. A. exercised B. respected C. recognized D. imposed 6. A. Whether B. Where C. AS D. Since 7. A. object B. topic C. subject D. excuse 8. A. present B. absolute C. abstract D. absent 9. A. appointed B. anticipated C. arranged D. expected 10. A. matter B. thing C. business D. affair 11. A. emerge B. appear C. show D. submerge 12. A. in B. at C. on D. about 13. A. think B. regard C. look D. deal

14. A. creating B. originating C. inspiring D. spreading 15. A. communicate B. say C. reveal D. talk 16. A. commits B. cites C. remembers D. notes 17. A. when B. until C. as D. before 18. A. everyone B.anyone C. someone D. one l9. A. how B.what C. that D. whether

20. A. know B.whether C. realize D. acknowledge


I. Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.

It seems to me that in the matter of intellect the ant must be a strangely overrated bird. During many summers, now, I have watched him, when 1 ought to have been in better business, and I have not yet come across a living ant that seemed to have any

more sense than a dead one. I refer to the ordinary ant, of course; I have had no experience of those wonderful Swiss and African ones which vote, keep drilled armies, hold slaves, and dispute about religion. Those particular ants may be all that the naturalist paints them, but I am persuaded that the average ant is a sham. I admit his industry, of course; he is the hardest-working creature in the world一 when anybody is looking一but his leatherheadedness is the point I make against him.

II. Translate the following paragraph into English.

教育很可能是现代争议最大、争论最多的一个题目。在一个国家未来的经济增长越 来越依靠科学和技术的时候,教育在一个国家未来的前途中起着决定性的作用。今天. 享受教育的特权已不再限于极少数人。教育的发展是如此之快,它现在已成为一个巨大 的行业。事实上,它是规模最大的行业.其雇佣的人数和所付的工资比其他任何一个全 国性的企业都要多。有一些教育机构包装得非常漂亮,借以提高知名度和吸引学生。在 一定意义上讲,教育已经变成了一种商品。从事教育的人对商业化这个说法会感到很不 舒服,但是,恐怕除了少数例外,很多大学已经陷入了演变成唯利是图的大规模制造厂 的过程中。培养心智不再吃香;推销可出售的技能成了时髦。这就是教育的悲剧。不用 说,某种拯救教育以防止其更加衰落的具有想象力的办法和共同努力早就该出台了。竞 争性的考试应该由素质教育取代,死记硬背应该让位于创造性和解决实际问题的能力的 培养。只有这样,我们才能迎来教育的真正进步。


Discuss the following questions with your classmates. 1. Give your comment on the ants mentioned in this text.

2. Try to point out details which are especially effective in making the article vivid and humorous.


For this part, you are required to write a composition on Honesty in three

paragraphs. You are given the first sentence or part of the first sentence of each paragraph. Your composition should be no less than 150 words. (1) What is honesty? Honesty means ...

(2) As the English proverb goes, honesty is the best policy (3) However, ...
