专利名称:Method and arrangement for improving
media transmission quality using robustrepresentation of media frames
发明人:Janne Peisa,Tomas Frankkila,Ingemar
Johansson,Daniel Enström,Mats Sagfors
摘要:In a method of improved media frame transmission in a communication network.
Initially a plurality of “original” or regular media frames are provided for transmission.According to the invention, robust representations of the provided regular media framesare generated and stored locally. Subsequently, one or more of the regular mediaframes is/are transmitted. The invention detects an indication of a loss of a transmittedmedia frame, and the idea is to transmit, in response to a detected frame loss, a storedrobust representation of the lost media frame and/or a stored robust representation ofa subsequent, not yet transmitted, media frame to increase the media quality.
申请人:Janne Peisa,Tomas Frankkila,Ingemar Johansson,Daniel Enström,Mats Sagfors
地址:Espoo FI,Lulea SE,Lulea SE,Gammelstad SE,Kyrkslätt FI