
Ion beam lithography introduction

2021-04-05 来源:意榕旅游网

专利名称:Ion beam lithography introduction发明人:Stengl, Gerhard, Dr.,Glavish, Hilton F., Dr.申请号:EP89109553.1申请日:19890526公开号:EP0344646A3公开日:19910417


摘要:Apparatus and method for projection ion beam lithography are described whichallow formation of low distortion, large field, reduced images of a mask pattern at awafer plane using an optical column of practical size. The column shown is comprised ofan accelerating Einzel lens followed by a gap lens, with numerous cooperating features.

By coordinated selection of the parameters of the optical column, lens distortion andchromatic blurring are simultaneously minimized. Real time measurement of the positionof the image field with respect to the existing pattern on the wafer is employed beforeand during the time of exposure of the new field and means are provided to match thenew field to the existing pattern even when the latter has been distorted by processing.A metrology system enables convenient calibration and adjustment of the apparatus.

申请人:IMS Ionen Mikrofabrikations Systeme Gesellschaft m.b.H.,ÖsterreichischeInvestitionskredit Aktiengesellschaft

地址:Schreygasse 3 A-1020 Wien AT,Renngasse 10 A-1013 Wien AT


代理机构:Matschnig, Franz, Dipl.-Ing.

