
智能照明控制系统 外文翻译

智能照明控制系统 外文翻译

XXX of \"pre-set\" control modes and components to accurately set up and manage XXX。the system takes advantage of natural outdoor light and only uses the necessary amount of energy to achieve the required brightness。XXX-saving effect of more than 30%.

1.2Bus-type star-shaped structure

The XXX control system is based on a bus-type star-shaped structure。which allows for easy XXX control。The system can be easily connected to us sensors and control components。making it suitable for a wide range of ns.

2.Advantages of XXX system

XXX XXX control system has several advantages。including:

2.1 Good XXX-saving effect

As ned earlier。the system can achieve a clear XXX-saving effect of more than 30% by utilizing natural outdoor light and only using the necessary amount of energy to achieve the required brightness.

2.2 Flexible control

The system is based on a bus-type star-shaped structure。which allows for easy XXX control。It can be easily connected to us sensors and control components。making it suitable for a wide range of ns.

2.3 Accurate set-up and management

The system has a variety of \"pre-set\" control modes and components。which can be used to accurately set up and manage energy-saving at different times and XXX.

2.4 Easy to use

The system is easy to use。with a user-friendly interface and simple controls。It can be XXX with basic knowledge of XXX.


XXX。XXX its flexible control。accurate set-up and management。and easy-to-use interface。it is suitable for a wide range of ns and can help businesses and individuals save on XXX impact.

XXX control system is to save energy。This system includes a variety of \"pre-set\" control modes and components that allow for accurate setup and nal management of XXX-saving at different times and different degrees of XXX。the system takes full advantage of natural outdoor light and only uses the lamp or light when XXX level is met while using the least amount of energy。XXX-saving effects。usually ranging from more than 30%。nally。XXX control through the use of XXX。which ces harmonic content。improves power factor。and ces low-voltage reactive power loss.

1.2 To extend the lifespan of light sources.

Light sources not only increase cost savings。but also ce the amount of labor XXX costs。and XXX。both XXX。it is XXX in order to extend the life of light XXX control system can successfully suppress surge voltage from the power grid。as well as limit voltage and use conjugate stream ns to filter out over-voltage and under-XXX。soft-start and soft-turn-off technology can be used to avoid the impact of current damage to the light。By implementing these methods。the lifespan of light sources XXX by 2 to 4 times.

Improving the XXX increase efficiency.

it is important to have a good working XXX。This can be achieved through the use of a well-XXX includes carefully chosen light sources。lamps。and quality control XXX lighting。XXX.

2.One effective way to control the overall XXX value of a room is through the use of an XXX control system。This system can replace nal level switch controls with a dimming control panel

module。XXX。this control method XXX。thereby cing fort。n。and eye strain.

3.Finally。XXX。it is XXX the design of the lighting system。This can include the use of different types of light sources。such as incandescent。fluorescent。or XXX for each area。it is possible to create a XXX。the use of energy-XXX can help to ce costs and XXX.

A wide range of lighting control ns can have a variety of artistic effects on buildings。XXX。they should have control of us programs to make them XXX。XXX。lecture hall。lobby。or atrium XXX control system。By using pre-set scene control based on different times。uses。and effects。a wealth of artistic effects XXX.

XXX-based control of lighting。XXX digitally in the EPROM。making it easy to set up and replace。This makes building XXX.

1.6 High XXX Return

According to our research。based on the use of energy-saving XXX。XXX a high economic rate of return from XXX is that the system can pay for itself within three to five years。This system not only improves the XXX。but also ces maintenance and management costs。XXX.


An XXX system。These components include sensors。controllers。and are that allow for automatic adjustments based on occupancy。daylight levels。and other factors。The system can also be XXX systems。such as HVAC and security。to create a XXX。the system can be customized to meet the specific XXX.

XXX control system is just one component of the building control system。If one wants to focus on us control systems and centralize their control。the control system must have a standard n interface and protocol n。Although such system XXX feasible。it is difficult to XXX。in engineering。XXX management of our building is a distributed system that is relatively independent of each control subsystem and self-XXX of specific control is the XXX building management system。which acts as a signal

collector and monitor for the control XXX。XXX control system is organized according to ork topology。with two forms: bus and。

Note: XXX.)

We propose a hybrid system based on a star-shaped structure。This system combines the advantages of a number of buses。such as increased flexibility。easy n。relative independence in control。and lower costs。nally。it incorporates high reliability。simple fault diagnosis。easy agreement access。XXX。XXX control system as an independent subsystem。XXX building management system using nal standards XXX control system uses a distributed。n-based approach。where the dimming control unit is relatively independent and self-contained。XXX building management system is linked to the building control center subsystem for signal XXX。XXX control system should be the main system for centralized management。with the main trunk and n interface components forming the nal control and signal orks。The

subsystems should consist of us types of modules。control panels。n detectors。and dynamic and static components。which are nally

implemented for specific control of different orks。The components een the main system and XXX.

XXX and its Control Content

The project to control the use of XXX includes the following categories: technology office halls。computer centers。and other important rooms。lecture halls such as n halls。n halls。conference centers。lobbies。courtyards。walkways。and elevators。as well as public sites such as the Office of Public Site。In n。the XXX can also be controlled by the XXX control system to switch signals.

The term \"control content\" refers to the specific XXX control system can perform。One of the main control contents is the clock n。which allows the system to XXX according to the time of day。For example。during the day。the system can adjust XXX to match the natural light。while at night。the system can dim the lighting to save energy.

Another important control content is the occupancy sensor n。XXX。XXX based on the number of people present.

In n。XXX control system can also be programmed to control the lighting based on specific events or activities。For example。the system can be set to turn on the XXX the building。or to dim the XXX.

Overall。XXX ns and control content that can be customized to meet the specific needs of different XXX utilizing these ns。users can save energy。enhance comfort。and XXX.

XXX of how this system works.

XXX control system manages the control clock management。among other things。through XXX。each module and XXX。such as detectors。are used under normal ns in the ns for the normal work of the state of the automatic XXX constant and does not change due to external XXX.

The system also XXX the normal work of the state of the XXX。XXX each dimming module and electrical components。XXX。to ensure the normal work of the state of the automatic lighting control switch under normal ns.

In the event of an emergency。the system ces the state of emergency control through each normal lighting control module。such as dimming of the electrical components。to ensure the normal work of the us districts in the state of lighting and to give up control。such as dimming control。The system also includes manual remote control through infrared remote control to achieve the normal work of the state of lighting control and manual control of the nal scene.

Finally。XXX control system to the special n。including two controls: under normal n and the automatic adjustment control of the nal scene。and a state of XXX。XXX control system。which has been applied in a number of experiences in office buildings。and we hope this analysis provides a better understanding of how this system works.


Smart Lighting Control System

A XXX control system can have different artistic effects and add color to a building。In modern architecture。lighting is not only for fulfilling visual effects of light and shadow。but designers should have XXX to make the building more vivid and beautiful。XXX。for n halls。conference halls。lobbies。atriums。etc。XXX control system is used to adopt corresponding pre-set scene controls for different ds。different purposes。and different effects。rich artistic effects can be achieved.

1.5 Easy Maintenance and Management

The XXX control system is the automatic lighting control module。with manual control as a supplement。The parameters of the pre-XXX are stored in EPROM。and this n can be easily set and replaced。XXX.

1.6 High Economic Returns

Taking Shanghai as a reference。based on estimates of XXX-saving lamps and provincial-level standards。it can be concluded that the owner can recover the basic investment of the XXX three to five years and increase XXX control system can improve the environment。increase XXX。and ce maintenance and management costs。saving a lot of money for the owner.

2 Components of the Smart Lighting Control System

As we know。building control systems are only a part of the XXX control system。If you want to focus on us control systems and control center control。the control system must have a standard n interface and protocol n.


Although the XXX。it is very difficult to put into practice。Therefore。in engineering。XXX a distributed system。which means that each control subsystem is relatively independent and intelligent。and self-contained with specific control。The intelligent building management system is relatively independent and self-sufficient。and the control subsystem realizes specific control。The XXX building management system is a signal n and monitoring n of the control subsystem。

Currently。XXX according to their ork topology: bus-type and star-type structures。These two forms have greater flexibility。easy scalability。relative independence of control。low cost。high reliability。XXX。convenient protocols。XXX。XXX control system as an independent subsystem。using XXX interface text to enter the XXX building management system。The XXX system adopts a distributed and n-based method。that is。the dimming control unit is relatively independent。self-contained。and does not interfere with each other。Through centralized

management and n interfaces。the intelligent building management system and the control subsystem of the building realize the ns of signal n center and monitoring。

In summary。XXX control system should be a centralized management。with a control area consisting of a backbone and an n interface part。executing a signal ork。Its subsystem should be composed of us dimming modules。control panels。lighting detectors。and dynamic and static components。which are different orks for specific n of the control area。The main system and subsystems。such as components。are XXX.

XXX Control System and Control Content

The use of an XXX control system for project control includes the following categories of content: nal halls such as technology office halls。computer centers。and report halls。n halls。conference centers。lobbies and courtyards。corridors and elevators。and other public office XXX of the building is also

controlled by the XXX control system through switch signals。The control content includes:

1.Clock control: clock management。through electrical components。etc。XXX.

2.Automatic adjustment control: XXX through each module and dynamic XXX。to achieve automatic dimming control of the n under normal ns。so that the lighting status of the n can work normally。If the lighting does not change with external sunlight factors。it will always be XXX.

3.Control of the on-site area: through each dimming module。control panel。and other electrical components。the XXX control switch status can work normally.

4.Static and dynamic n control: through each dimming module XXX。XXX control switch status can work normally.

5.Emergency control: XXX control modules。such as electrical dimming components。components。the normal lighting status of each area under XXX.

6.Manual remote control: through infrared remote control。to XXX.

