

2020-06-03 来源:意榕旅游网


1.Look at the sky

One day, Charley bought a hot dog in a snack bar after school.

Suddenly, he stopped and raised his head high. He kept looking at the sky. It lasted two minutes.

A woman passed by. She saw Charley looking at the sky and she stopped and also looked at the sky.

The sky was blue. There were some white clouds. Charley still looked at the sky and didn’t move a bit. The woman also went on looking at the sky.

Mary passers-by stopped. They looked at the sky, too. After a while, charley lowered his head. He laughed and asked. “What are you looking for in the sky?” The woman said: “why are you looking at the sky?” “I didn’t look at the sky.” Charley pointed to his nose, “My nose was bleeding.”

2. One good turn deserves another

I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. Harry worked in a lawyers office years ago, but he


is now working at a bank. He gets a good salary, but he always borrows money from his friends and never pays it back. Harry saw me and came and sat at the same table. He has never borrowed money from me. While he was eating, I asked him to lend me $2. To my surprise, he gave me the money immediately. “I have never borrowed any money from you,” Harry said, “so now you can pay for my dinner!” 3.Good news and bad news

An artist asked the gallery owner if there had been any interest in his paintings currently on display. Ive got good news and bad news, the owner replied. The good news is that a gentleman inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreciate in value after your death. When I told him it would, he bought all fifteen of your paintings.

Thats wonderful! the artist exclaimed, Whats the bad news?. With concern, the gallery owner replied, The guy was your doctor. 4.Difference

I can always tell a graduate class from an undergraduate class, observed the instructor in one of my graduate engineering courses at California State

University in Los Angeles. When I say, “Good afternoon,”


the undergraduates respond, “Good afternoon”. But the graduate students just write it down. 5.Charge for Bread and Butter

Some years ago, my dad, an attorney, took me to a fancy restaurant in Now York City. When the bill arrived, there was a $1.50 charge for bread and butter. Dad paid the bill, including the charge for bread and butter. However, the next day, he sent a letter to the restaurants stating that the charge was uncalled for. Enclosed in the same envelope was a bill for $ 500 in legal services.

Someone from the restaurant called immediately and asked, What is this $500 bill for? We never ordered any legal services.

Dad replied, I never ordered any bread and butter. The $1.50 was returned without delay. 6.Sleeping Pills

Bob was having trouble getting to sleep at night. He went to see his doctor, who prescribed some extra-strong sleeping pills.

Sunday night Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alarm. He took his time getting to the office, strolled in and said to his boss: I didnt have a bit of


trouble getting up this morning.

Thats fine, roared the boss, but where were you Monday and Tuesday?

7.This Problem with Gas(生词稍多但幽默)

A little old lady goes to the doctor ... and says, Doctor, I have this problem with gas, but it doesnt really bother me too much. They never smell and are always silent. As a matter of fact, Ive farted at least 20 times since Ive been here in your office. You didnt know I was farting because they dont smell and are silent. The doctor says, I see. Heres a prescription. Take these pills 3 times a day for seven days and come back to see me next week. The next week the lady goes back. Doctor, she says, I dont know what the hell you gave me, but now my farts ... although still silent... stink terribly. The doctor says, Good! Now that weve cleared up your sinuses, lets start working on your hearing. 8.Your Coat Is on Fire

The master, to impress on his pupils the need of thinking before speaking, told them to count fifty before saying anything important, and one hundred if it was very important. The next day he was speaking, standing with his back to the fire, when he noticed several lips moving rapidly.


Suddenly the whole class shouted: Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, a hundred. Your coat is on fire, sir!

9. May I have your attention please, now I will give you a basic introduction of Mountain Tai. It is one of the Five Sacred Mountains and is a natural museum abounding with cultural relics and artworks, such as Red Gate Palace, Mid-Heaven Gate and so forth. Now it is half past eight, and all the visitors can stay in the mountain for 8 hours. You should leave at 4:30pm and the sightseeing bus is waiting at the entrance .It is important for you to remember the bus number. When you get off the bus please bring your bags and close the bus windows. Now please enjoy your time! Thank you.


It was too suffering to see the eye of a vulture every day. It seemed that I could not endure him anymore. Therefore, I invited him to come to my house for a drink – his last wine. Anesthetic, hypnotic and psychedelic drugs which I putted his cup, so that he closed the scary eye. I smashed the glass by my right hand, and opened his eyes by left hand slowly. His one eye was full of fear, which made me so exciting. However, another eye was still upset me.The fear turned into


my rage, and there was a merry smile on my face.It was raining all day, the sky was so dark, and there were no people outside. I stuck, and an old man died. 篇三:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右 篇一:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右

求一篇100字左右简单介绍五一劳动节的英语作文我们学校英语有改动 课前给5分钟左右的时间来个小型演讲 后天就轮到我了 求英语高手援助帮写篇简单介绍五一劳动节的一百字左右的作文用_百度作业帮篇二:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右 小作文的概念:

作文多指便条、请假条等,在写作的时候要注意文章的格式(称呼、正文、签名、日期)。 小作文考题的几个特点: 1、重格式,不轻内容: 应用文的大作文的一个很大区别就是重格式,规律性强。格式和套路不对,一般会给阅卷老师留下很不好的印象。例如:信件一般不需要题目,通知和告示却需要,如2010年的题目volunteers wanted。不只题目,还有客套话署名等。例如:公务信函中的称呼,一般而言,如果是不认识的人,称呼为敬词+尊称。例如,dear sir or madam或 to whom it may concern;如果是写给关系正式的某团体中的人,称呼为敬词+尊称+名。例如,dear mr. xx或 dear ms. xx;对于关系较亲密的人可以直呼其名(dear)peter



2、轻思想,重交际: 这里所谓的轻思想,主要是指因为100字的应用文,除去那些客套话,其实一般主体部分也就2-3个句子就可以解决。这么短的篇幅,是不可能求思想性有多强。这点和大作文不一样,大作文中,如果你没有一定的思想深度,文章结构会很松散,让人感觉是句子的堆砌。而那种连贯性和衔接手法的应用也不会太准确。而小作文,我们要做到的只是注意用词语体以及语域的适当性,要点覆盖的全面性。

3、字数少,易得分: 应用文的篇幅很短,很容易得分。试想,想在阅读理解中10分,你需要在理解一篇500-600字的文章的基础上答对5道选择题。从这个角度而言,小作文的确是容易拿分的,应该成为考生提分的板块。 4、重套路,难发挥: 应用文的这一个特点,仍然是和它的套路性、格式化有关。因此我们更需要用词的准确性。需要我们对语言的语体特点(gee features)进行区分。以免让词汇的语体影响到准确性。写给机构的信函,应该避免使用太口语化的语言。例如06年是写给一个机构的申请信,而08年是写给友人的私人信件,那么两年的应用文写作中,就要求使用不同的语言。从称呼到正文部分,08年的文章用词都可以更口语化和随意一些。正因为这种套路的稳定性,对于同等基础的考生来讲,这部分很难达到技压群雄的效果,很


难拉开和别人的距离。也就是说,对于所有考生来说,得10分不容易,得2分甚至4分也很不容易。 提纲作文的概念: 提纲作文就是把文章的情景和内容要求分成块,以条目的形式列出以进行写作。 提纲作文写作要领:

第一步:审题: 审题是否清楚是一篇书面表达成功与否的关键所在,在整个写作过程中起着决定性作用。审好题会让我们做到“磨刀不误砍柴工”,审题时要做到以下几点: (1)审要求:书面表达试题一般都由“情景”和“要求”两部分构成。“情景”中包括所写材料的目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等,一般在书面表达题的前半部分;而“要求”一般在书面表达的后半部分,以“注意”形式给出,实际上是对考生提出的要求。因而考生对于题目所提供的说明,应认真分析、反复推敲,搞清提出的内容要求,抓住所要表达的信息点。 (2)审文体:高考书面表达的体裁一般有三大类:记叙文、说明文和应用文,具体形式有便条,日记,通知,书信,人物、事情、情景故事的描写,看图说话,缩写,扩写,改写等。审题时要审清文体,注意格式上的不同,避免出错。 (3)审人称:审查书面表达题干中隐含的读者对象和撰写人,即搞清楚此篇文章是“由谁写给谁”的。写稿人是谁一般都已明确指出,给出形式假设环境中的“某人”,如“假设你是李华”,写作时即用第一人称“我”,即李华。而读者对象有时没有明示,要考生自己去进行判



(4)审时态:根据情景判断短文需要的主体时态,即搞清楚要写的是什么时候的事,过去的就用过去时。比如日记,是叙述过去发生的事情,自然用过去时;通知多用将来时。 第二步:抓中心,列要点,列出写作提纲: 写作文时,一定要切题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。不要任意发挥,画蛇添足,也不要丢三落四,要点不全。通过对众多提示或图画、图表的观察和分析,获取与写作内容有关的主要信息,并按一定的逻辑顺序排列起来,找出最密切相关的要点,列出写作提纲。

第三步:选词组句:在体裁明确、中心突出、要点清晰的前提下,应该选择自己最熟悉、最有把握的词语、句型,将要点逐条表达出来。表达时应该综合运用所掌握的知识,避开生僻的词汇,并克服母语的干扰,按照英语的习惯方式,用地道的英语表达出来,力求做到语言准确无误。 第四步:连句成篇:根据要点选词组句,然后按照篇章结构连句成篇。在这一过程中要注意选择恰当的表示并列、递进、因果或转折意义的过渡词,把所有要点、句子连接起来,使句与句意思连贯,结构衔接,力求准确生动、条理清楚。 第五步:复查纠错: 通读全文,检查内容是否符合要求,要点是否齐全,格式是否正确,词数是否合乎要求。最主要的是要检查句子是否符合英语习惯,句型是否正确,语法是





就是用文字结合表格、数字或图画作为写作信息提示的一种写作形式。 图表作文的分类:




图表类英语作文具备以下特点: 1、题材涉及广泛,如人物介绍、地点介绍、新闻报道、生活话题及社会热门话题,试题设计真实性高,符合学生的认知水平,其中学校生活类题材占比例最大。体裁多种多样,包括应用文(书信、日记、通知、发言稿、寻物及招领启事等)、说明文、记叙文、议论文等。







图表式作文的几种形式:一、表格形式(table):将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。二、图形形式:a、线形图(linegraph):以曲线形式表示数据变化;b、条形图(bargraph):以条形方式表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异; c、圆形图(piechart):以圆内扇形的大小表示总体内部结构变化;

图表作文四个层次要求:图表式作文是说明文的一种。一般可分四个层次来写:第一、按照题目要求描述图表反映的总情况,即概括大意或总趋势。第二、对数字进行仔细的比较,分析其差异、归纳其变化。第三、找出产生的变化及原因。第四、写出读图表后的评论、预测或结论。 图画作文的概念:

图画作文就是根据给出的一幅或几幅图画所提供的信息写短文。此类题的体裁较广泛,可以是 记叙文、说明文,也可以是议论文。 图画式书面表达特点:



列出提纲或拟个腹稿,然后分段表述,写出一篇脉络清晰、层次分明、文理通顺、意思连贯的短文。3、图画提示类作文涉及的题材比较广,可以是故事、新闻报道、地点介绍或说明,也可能是书信或日记等。 看图作文写作指导:

看图作文是以图画或图表来提供目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等场景,要求作者借助图画,通过联想将一组画面的直观内容转换成传神达意的文字形式,用于反映图中所表现的思想内容,从写作体裁上看,可说明介绍,可叙事记人,可写景状物,也可以发表议论。看图作文主要考查学生的观察能力、分析能力、想象能力、创造能力和语言表达能力。 1. 仔细审题:包括文体,人称,时态.// 理解到位:整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要求。

2. 归纳要点:保证文章内容的完整.// 基础到位:用简单句写出每幅图的主题句。3. 扩展成句:注意英语表达的习惯,根据提纲扩展句子.// 细节到位:注意每幅图的次要内容(时间,地点,方式,原因等)4. 连句成篇:利用一些表示转折,因果,选择等关系的关联词和过渡句,把句子连接起来.// 表达到位:按情节发展先后,承上启下整理成文。5. 全面检查:格式文体要点语法字数等,检查到位:对照各幅图,检查全文定稿。 写作说明:


要想写好图画式书面表达,同学们应注意以下几点: 1、仔细审题。确定文体、时态及人称。 看图书面表达以图画提供信息,但在汉语提示及“注意”中也蕴含着很重要的信息。如短文词数、文体及写作本文的原因或意图等。因此,在答题前一定要仔细审题,弄清文体、人称及所用时态。 2、找全要点,兼顾图内图外内容。 在动笔前,要认真读图、明确图示内容,把握好图中人物与人物、人物与地点、人物(出自:WwW.zaiDian.com 在点网:简单的英语作文100字)与画面以及图画内各部分的关系,以便做到既准确全面又详略得当。以多幅图作提示的,要注意图与图之间的关系,并注意图画内容的连续性及统一性(为统一主题服务,人称、时态等也要前后一致);若是以一幅图作提示,则要弄清楚图画中所有内容的联系,明确哪些与主题有关,哪些与主题无关,从而确定哪些该详写、哪些该略写或不写。

3、准确表达,尽量避免语法或拼写错误。 把要点列出后,要善于把分散的要点用正确、简明、地道的语句进行表达,并按一定的逻辑关系连接。正确用好时态,单词拼写正确,避免汉语式英语等。同时注意调整好要点的出场顺序。4、仔细检查、修改。 核对图中要点是否遗漏。时态、语态是否正确。文章句、段、篇是否连贯。单词大小写、拼写、标点符号是否准确无误。书写工整、美观,一篇好的作文不但要内容写的好,字迹也要美观、工整、漂亮。 英语图画作


文(writing through pictures)写作技巧:




时间、动作等),依据图画细节对画面的内容加以想象、扩充或补充。三、看图作文的基本步骤:1、列出要点。明确写作的具体内容,仔细寻找全部要点,做到要点无遗漏。2、依据内容要点,选择确立可供自己使用的熟悉词汇、短语和句型。做到“不求难,不求异,只求准”。3、将要点译成基本句子。尽量用熟悉、简单的结构表达,避免因用大量的长句和复合句而造成的语法错误。忌用汉语思维生造句子。4、按一定的时间、空间及逻辑顺序或情节发展对基本句子进行有序的排列组合。5、适当增加细节,运用适当的连接过渡词将句子连接成文。6、细心检查错漏:检查人称和主谓是否一致;检查时态和语态是否正确,检查语句和措词是否恰当;检查拼写和标点是否无误;检查内容要点是否齐全。四、看图作文切莫违犯以下八忌: 1、格式不对;2、要点遗漏;3、时态混乱;4、单词错误; 5、离题发挥;6、中式英语;7、标点滥用;8、书写马虎。五、常用句型:1、描述图片:as(正如)we can see in the picture, ...2、谈到现象:recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern that...3、陈述理由:the reasons are as follows. in the first place / to begin with, ... whats more / inaddition, ... last but not the least, ...4、陈述自己的观点:as far as i am concerned,... in my opinion, i hold the view that? based on the above reasons,... from what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the


conclusion that... 篇四:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右 请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇100字左右的短文介绍中国的传统节日---中秋节(themid-autumn festival)。 篇四:英语自我介绍100字

Hi! My name is lisa.I am twelve years old. I am a good student. And I am a girl . I am not handsome but I am very lovely .I am study in ... shool. The shool is very good and beautiful.I like it very much. I have big eyes and my ears are big too. But my nose and mouse are small.so I look like lovely. My favorite sport is play basketball and table tennis I think health is very importante.And I hope you healthy. 篇五:2013英语高考 80到100字作文素材 一:THE VALUE OF TIME 爱惜时光

An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back time (in anyway). For this reason, we may (can) say that time is more valuable than money.

Many people do not know the value of time. It (this) is indeed a great pity. We must bear (keep) in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.







If you want to ask me why we should study English, my answer will be simple and clear. Now let me enumerate the reasons one by one in the following.In the first place, English has become an international language. If you know English, you van make a trip round the world without being misunderstood.In the second place, most valuable books, newspapers and magazines are

written in English. If you wish (hope) to get knowledge, you must learn English.



大多数有价值的书籍,报纸和杂志都是用英文写的。如果你希望获得知识,你必须学习英文。 三:MY BIRTHDAY 我的生日

Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents.

Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and

refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We felt that we were the happiest men in the world.Time passed quickly. In a twinkling, the clock on the wall struck nine. We could not but say “Good-bye” to one another.



四:HOW TO SPEND SUNDAYS 如何消度星期日 Some of us always spend Sundays aimlessly. We can


seldom derive profits from the valuable hours (time) of Sundays. This is indeed a great pity. Though Sundays are set aside as a day for rest, we must make good use of them.We know that our school lessons are usually not sufficient. We should often utilize Sundays to read reference books. In this way we will increase our knowledge. Besides, we must be engaged in sports or outing so as to strengthen our bodies. 我们许多人终是把星期日毫无目的地消度掉。这确实是十分可惜。我们很少能从星期日的宝贵时光中获得益处。虽然星期日是被指定为一个休息的日子,但是我们却应好好利用它。我们知道我们学校的功课通常是不够的。我们应时常利用星期日来阅读参考书。如此我们的知识就会增加了。此外,我们必须从事运动或郊游以便强壮我们的身体。


五:HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY 诚为上策 There is an English proverb which says (saying) “Honesty is the best policy.” It signifies the importance of honesty.

What are the benefits of honesty? If you are honest to others, they will be


honest to you in return. When you are sad, they will comfort you. When you are in trouble, they will help you.

There is no enumerating the evils of dishonesty here. In a word, a dishonest man will be looked down upon by others and (be) regarded as a public enemy.

英国有一句谚语说“诚为上策”。它说明了诚的重要性。 诚的益处是什么?如果你对他人诚实,他们也会对你诚实作为报答。当你忧悉的时候,他们会安慰你。当你是处在困难中的时候,他们会帮助你。

无法在这里数述不诚实的害处。一言以蔽之,一个不诚实的人会被人看轻的而且被看作为一个公敌。 六:HOW EXERCISE HELPS 运动的利益

If our bodies are not strong, our spirit to do things will certainly be quite dull. And at the same time, we are lack of energy (ies) to study. Diseases will only attack the weak, but not the strong.

Why are our bodies not strong? Because we do not pay attention to exercise. For this reason, we students must often take different kinds (sorts) of exercise in the gym.

Exercise helps us (to) strengthen our bodies and avoid disease. It also teaches us cooperation, for most exercise is


played by team.





七:THE BENEFITS OF TRAVELING 旅行的益处 I am always interested in traveling. My reasons are quite (extremely) simple

and clear. If anybody is not satisfied with my viewpoint(s), I shall be greatly surprised at his ways of thinking.

In the first place, traveling increases our knowledge. Only by traveling can we see (因为用(only)开头,主动词须颠倒)things outside our home town.

In the second place, traveling is good to our health. While we are traveling, we usually exercise our bodies.


In conclusion, I earnestly hope that everybody must seize (grasp at) the opportunity of traveling.






My aim is to become a good citizen so as to be able to render service to the (my) country. However, to become a good citizen is not an easy thing. He has many duties to fulfill.The first duty of a good citizen is to love his country. He is to (must) be ready to sacrifice even his own life for the country.His second duty is to obey the law and help the government (to) maintain order. If everybody can do so, the country will be rich and strong (powerful).


我的志向是做一个好公民以便能给国家效力。然而,做一个好公民不是一件容易的事情。他有许多责任要尽。一个好公民第一件责任是爱他的国家。他须准备为国家牺牲自己的生命。他第二件责任是服从法律并且帮助政府维持治安。如果人人都能这样做的话,国家必定富强。 九:THE NATIONAL FLAG 国旗

it is the duty of every citizen to honor the national flag. Why? Because the

national flag is the symbol of a (the) country. To respect it means to respect the country. In other words, if a man loves his country, he must love the national flag.

In school, the national flag is usually raised at a certain time every day. Then the principal, teachers, staff and students are to (must) stand before it and sing the national anthem. It is indeed extremely meaningful to attend such a ceremony.






It is impossible for us to make our country rich and strong without developing education. Why? Because education gives people knowledge and teaches them how to become good citizens so as to be able to serve their country. No wonder they say that education decides the progress, prosperity and

civilization of a country.At present (Nowadays) most countries in (of) the world are enforcing compulsory education. It is necessary for all kinds of people, both rich and poor, to receive education. Taiwan is an exception as well not.

我们不可能使我们的国家富强而不发展教育。为什么?因为教育给予人民知识并教他们如何成为好公民以便能为国家效力。难怪,有人说教育决定一个国家的进步,繁荣与文化。现在世界大多数的国家都在实施强迫教育。所有各类人民不论贫富都必须接受教育。台湾也不例外。 评论(1)|71


1.那就是(说)…;亦即… Thatistosay,… =Thatis,… =Namely,…

