1. ARI平均房价指数 Average Rate Index
计算公式为:酒店平均房价/ 市场平均房价
2. CTP营业利润贡献 Contribution to Trading Profit
3. GOP总经营利润 Gross Operating Profit
计算公式:酒店各生产营业部门营业毛利总和(包括Room,F&B and other)-非营业部门总费用(包括A&G,S&M,Engineering and Energy).
4. RevPAR平均每间可卖房间的收入Revenue Per Available Room
公式为:RevPAR= Total Room Rev.房间总收入
Total Available Room可卖房总数
5. RGI收入产生指数Revenue Generation Index
6. GSTS宾客意见调查系统 Guest Satisfaction Tracking System
GSS= Guest Satisfaction Index. (A key measure within GSTS).
A guest overall evaluation of the quality of service received during their stay.
7. ESPS员工满意度调查Employee Satisfaction Pulse Survey
ESS= Employee Satisfaction Index(员工满意指数)衡量员工对公司及岗位的整体满意程度。
Key Driver Report (关键项目报告)最影响ESS分值的五个问题。
8. TQM全面质量管理 Total Quality Management
TQM is focusing on process improvement and innovations and the purpose is to find the problem root cause so that to meet guest overall satisfaction. (TQM 致力于程序的改进和创新,目的是从根本上发现问题,从而最终提高客人的总体满意度。)
9 steps of TQM project (TQM的九个步骤 ):
1) Project selection (项目选择)
2) Setup data collection system(建立数据搜集系统)
3) Data analysis (数据分析)
4) Diagnosis (诊断)
5) Solution (解决方案)
6) Confirmation (确认)
7) Standardization (标准化)
8) Setup maintenance system (建立维护系统)
9) Review (回顾)
9. PMS酒店经营管理系统 Property Management System
酒店主要使用Lanmark, Fidelio, Opera等。
10. SOP标准经营程序 Standard Operating Procedures
There are 2 types of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) used by Hotels Group, namely (i) Training SOPs and (ii) Flow Chart SOPs. Each hotel will be required to use this framework and customized the SOPs accordingly to suit their individual hotel requirements.
每一酒店需根据各自要求使用此结构及定制 SOP。
All the SOPs can be download from website.所有的SOP都可以从集团网站上下载。
11. KNR重要公司协议价Key Negotiated Rate
- Responsible by Global Key Account Manager (由集团全球客户经理负责)
- Offer special rate generally (通常价格较低)
- Renew contract by RFP (由总部统一续签合同)
- Proper strategy apply and control (需要制定正确的策略)
12. LNR\"当地\"公司协议价Local Negotiated Rate
Sign Contract with hotel directly (直接与酒店签订协议)
Big amount of account and lower contribution from each (客户多,但是每一个公司的间夜量少)
Higher contract rate than KNR mostly (通常比KNR的合同价格高)
Renew contract by Sales(通过销售人员续签合同)
Priority focus in 2007 (是2007年的重点)
13. RFP合作协议申请 Request for Proposal
- Mostly sign or renew on yearly basis (大多数每年签订或续签一次)
- NSO/RSO often provide assistance (中国区/地区销售办公室会提供协助)
- Applied major from KNR (主要应用于KNR(重要公司协议价))
- Available to accounts worldwide (适用于全球范围的客户)
14. FIT 散客 Fully Independent Traveler
Book room individually, no organizer, clear account directly by him/herself when check-out.
15. DND 请勿打扰Do Not Disturb
- DND light (DND灯亮)
- DND signage (悬挂DND标志牌)
16. VIP 非常重要的人 Very Important Person
- Hotel has different standard for different VIP set up, including fruit basket, flower etc.(酒店对不同的VIP级别有不同的标准,包括果盘,鲜花等。)
- Hotel has VIPA,B,C(酒店有VIPA、B、C 不同的设定)
- VIPA mainly Government leaders, company CEO etc. PCR platinum member is VIPB, Golden member is VIPC.(VIPA 主要包括政府首脑,官员,公司CEO,及社会名流等, 白金会员是VIPB,黄金会员是VIPC)
17. IBP综合经营计划 Integrated Business Plan
Hotel complete figure/information system, including operational and non-operational data, involved in rooms, F&B and all the other department. From
IBP you can clearly see the budget, actual, forecast numbers, hotel strategies and other quality control performance, such as TQM, ESPS, GSTS, PCR enrollment. To make the information correct and alive, need to update in time.IBP是酒店完整的数据信息综合系统,包括经营的及非经营的数据资料。涉及客房,餐饮及所有的其它部门。通过IBP可以清楚的看到酒店的预算、实际及预测数据,酒店的经营策略以及其它质量控制方面的表现,例如TQM, ESPS, GSTS, PCR会员发展等。为了保证IBP信息的正确性及活跃性,必须及时更新数据。
18. QES质量评估系统Quality Evaluation System
To ensure that we are consistently meeting guest expectations and continuously improving our products and services, we need to measure our performance to understand where we are, and what we need to improve on. The Quality Evaluation System is a tool that fulfills the role; it measures the consistency and compliance of our hotels & resorts to Product and Service Standards of our brands.