? 课程代码:K1802259 适用对象:商务英语专业 课程性质:专业核心能力必修课 一、课程目的和任务: 学 分:4 学 时:64 先行课程: 课程性质: 通过本课程的学习,学生能够对包括国际贸易基本概念、原理及总体框架有一个较好的理解,能够掌握国际贸易的理论与政策、国际贸易与全球化、国际贸易法律与惯例等基本原理和基本知识,能够较深刻认识国际贸易不仅仅是国际经济问题,也是复杂的国际政治和国际经济的交织,掌握掌握国际贸
易主要政策与措施,具备利用所学知识理解和分析世界经济的能力和解决中国对外贸易实际问题的能力 二、课程教学的主要内容及学时分配
章 1 2 3 4 各章标题名称 国际贸易概论 全球化 国际贸易理论 国际贸易的政治经济学 总学时 4 12 24 24 64 理论学时 4 12 24 24 64 实验(实训)学时 0 0 0 0 0 合计 Chapter 1 Introduction to International Trade Main Contents:
1. Definition of International trade and its classifications 2. The brief history of International trade and its process 3. The role and status of International trade. 3.1 International trade and Country 3.2 International trade and corporate 3.3 International trade and people Objectives:
After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to 1. have a general idea about International trade; 2. Know the brief history of international trade;
3. Know the main issues concerning international trade. Important and Difficult points:
Definition of international trade; why international trade Chapter 2 Globalization Main contents:
1. The definition of globalization and its genre;
1.1 The globalization of markets; 1.2 The globalization of production;
2. The emergence of global institutions
2.1 WTO
2.2 IMF and WB 2.3 UN
3. Drivers of globalization
4. The changing demographics of the global economy 5. The changing world order; 6. The debate on Globalization Objectives:
After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to
1. Understand what is meant by the term globalization; 2. Recognize the main drivers of globalization;
3. Describe the changing nature of the global economy;
4. Explain the main arguments in the debates over the impact of globalization;
5. Understand how the process of the globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for business managers
Important and Difficult points:
Definition of globalization; drivers of globalization; the changing world economy and order. Chapter 3 International Trade Theory Main contents:
1. An overview of trade theory 1.1 The benefits of trade;
1.2 The pattern of international trade; 1.3 Trade theory and government policy; 1.4 Mercantilism Absolute advantage 1.5 Comparative advantage; 1.6 The gains from trade
1.7 Qualifications and assumptions 1.8 Extensions of he Ricardian Model; 1.9 Heckscher-ohlin theory; 1.10 The Leontief paradox;
1.11 The product Life-cycle theory; 2. New trade theory
2.1 Increase product variety and reducing costs;
2.2 Economies of Scale, first-mover advantages,and the pattern of trade; 2.3 Implication of new trade theory;
2.4 National competitive advantage: Poter’s Diamond; 3. Implications for managers. Objectives:
After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to
1. Understand why nations trade with each other;
2. Summarize the different theories explaining trade flows between nations;
3. Recognize why many economists believe that unrestricted free trade between nations will raise the economic welfare of countries that participate in a free trade system;
4. Explain the arguments of those who maintain that government can play a proactive role in promoting national competitive advantage in certain industries;
5. Understand the implications that international trade theory holds for business practice. Important and Difficult points:
the international trade theory, the new trade theory. Chapter 4 The Political Economy of International Trade Main contents:
1. Instruments of Trade Policy 1.1 Tariffs 1.2 Subsidies
1.3 Import quotas and voluntary export restraints 1.4 Local content requirements 1.5 Administrative Policies 1.6 Anti-dumping policies
2. The case for Government intervention 2.1 Political arguments for intervention 2.2 Economic arguments for intervention 3. The revised case for free trade 3.1 retaliation and trade war 3.2 Domestic policies
4. Development of the world trade system
4.1 GATT, Trade liberalization, and economic growth: 1947-1979; 4.2 Protectionist trends: 1980-1993; 4.3 The Uruguay round and the WTO; 4.4 Experience to date: WTO
4.5 The Future of the WTO: Unsolved Issues and the Doha round 5. Implications for managers 5.1 trade barriers and firm strategy 5.2 Policy implications Objectives:
After finish learning this chapter,the students are able to
1. Identify the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows; 2. Understand why governments sometimes intervene in international trade; 3. Summarize and explain the arguments against strategic trade policy;
4. Describe the development of the world trading system and the current trade issues;
5. Explain the implications for managers of developments in the world trading system. Important and Difficult points:
the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows; the world trading system and its development
四、建议教材与教学参考书 建议教材:
【美】查尔斯·希尔.国际贸易理论(International Trade Theory),第十版, 背景:中国工信出版
集团、人民邮电出版社.2016. 教学参考书:
1. 尤盛东.《国际贸易理论教程》,北京:北京师范大学出版集团,2013年
2. 张素芳.《国际贸易理论与实务(英文版?第2版)》.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,
2010.(建议教材) 3. 金镝、朱芸.《国际贸易实务模拟操作教程》.重庆:重庆大学出版社,2005。 4. 鲁丹萍.《国际贸易理论与实务》.北京:清华大学出版社,2006。 5. 郭双焦.《进出口贸易实务精品教材》.北京:北京大学出版社,2009。 6. 陈同仇、薛荣久.《国际贸易》.北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社,1999。 7. 黎孝先.《国际贸易实务》.北京:对外贸易大学出版社,2000。 五、考核方式及成绩构成
平时考核成绩占课程总成绩的40-60 %,包括考勤、作业完成情况(包括课本练习题、课堂测试等)和课堂参与(包括课堂讨论、回答问题、角色扮演等)等,旨在检查学生学习进度和自主学习情况。期末考核建议采取闭卷考试的方式,占课程总成绩40-60%,考试题目紧扣教学大纲,难度及题量适中,旨在检测学生本学期本课程的学习完成情况。