
大学英语综合教程3 Unit5-8 课后翻译(题目及答案)

2023-10-10 来源:意榕旅游网

1. 大城市是他最不愿意居住的地方,因为他无法忍受那里的拥挤和喧闹。

The big city is the last place that he wishes to live in, for it is so bustling and crowded there that he finds it hard to bear.


The fast pace of modern life means people not having enough time for personal communication; hence the indifference between people.


NeighborsA light and harmonious environment has a positive effect on people’s physical and mental health.

4. 轻松和谐的环境会对人的身心健康产生积极的影响。

used to visit each other regularly. But now they are used to staying at home and rarely stay connected unless it is essential.

5. 我们应该把精力放在工作上,而不是复杂的人际关系上。

We should focus our attention on work rather than complicated personal relationships.


1. 在过去的几十年里,这位老人一直守护者这片森林,不管有多大困难。从来没有想过放弃。 Over the past decades the old man has been protecting the forest and has never thought of giving up no matter what difficulties he meets.

2. 真正的英雄决不会接受命运安排,而是把命运掌握在自己手里。

A true / real hero will never come to terms with fate. Instead, they keep their fate in their own hands.

3. 在接受采访时,他说他从来没有认为自己是英雄,只是做了自己该做的而已,不值得这么受到关注。

At the interview / When interviewed, he said he never thought of himself as a hero; he only did what he ought to do and was not entitled to such attention.

4. 地震已过去近两年了,但我们还清楚地记得当时救灾的情景。

It has been two years since the earthquake struck, but we still remember the disaster relief scene clearly / but the disaster relief scene is still vivid in my mind. 5. 给我们印象最深的是他处理险情的方法和表现出来的冷静。

What impressed us most is the way he dealt with / handled the danger and the calmness he manifested.


1. 说到科学发现,我们就会想起牛顿发现万有引力定律。这个例子告诉我们不要忽视生活中的小事,它们可能给人以灵感。

When it comes to scientific discovery, we will think of Newton’s discovery of the law of

universal gravitation. The example tells us that we should not ignore the small things in life which might give us inspiration.

2. 事实证明,不按照科学规律办事,是注定要失败的。

It has been proved ( by facts) that we will be bound to fail if we do not do things according to

scientific laws.

3. 当遇到挫折时,人们往往抱怨自己命运不好,虽然抱怨并不能解决问题。

When setbacks crop up, people tend to complain about their bad luck though such complains can offer nothing towards their solution.

4. 这一自然奇观至今没有科学的解释,这就是人们对它倍感好奇的原因。

This natural wonder has not had a scientific explanation so far; that’s the reason why people are so curious about it.

5. 后来的结果表明,他最初的判断是正确的。如果我们从开始就按照他的方法去做,这个技术难题也许早就解决了。

This subsequent outcome proved that his initial judgment was correct. If we had followed his method from the beginning, we may have solved the technical problem much earlier.


1. 虽然人们庆祝新年的方式不同,但有一个共同之处:都表达了对新年的美好愿望,希望新年带来好运。

Despite the different ways in which people celebrate the New Year, they have one thing in common: All of them express best wishes and good luck for the coming New Year.

2. 每逢假期,天安门广场就十分拥挤。在所有景点前,游客都需要排队,轮流拍照。 The Tian’anmen Square is very crowded at holiday times. At all scenic spots tourists have to line up and take it in turns to take pictures.

3. 现在,节假日出游需提前联系旅行社,以确定最好的旅游路线。

Today it is necessary to contact travel agencies in advance so as to decide on the best tour route possible.

4. 无论如何,我们都不应该让任何外来文化影响到中国传统文化在我们心目中的地位。 No matter what happens, we should not allow any foreign cultures whatsoever to affect Chinese culture’s position in our mind.

5. 平时因忙绿而疏于联络的朋友会在春节期间相互联系,互致问候。

The Spring Festival is a time when people get back in touch and exchange greetings with friends, who they are too busy to contact the rest of the year.
