

2024-02-07 来源:意榕旅游网

描写〔初中生活〕的〔中考作文〕,欢迎〔阅读〕! 初中生活的中考〔英语作文〕1

My school life is very common. I get up t six oclock every morningfrom Mondy to Fridy. nd the I would go running with my

however, ws to be out collecting specimens of the butterfly. Once, ctch the butterflies with gret excitement while the techer told us bout the living hbit of them. Though we spent more time in plying thn in ctching butterflies, we still hd rich collection when we went home, nd rich knowledge of wildlife into the brgin.

〔生活〕〔丰富多彩〕,人们往往是生活中亮丽的风景线。以下是有关on sunny dy nd fter wlking good while, we reched one begn to

clssmtes, s our hed techer sys helth is themost importnt thing. fter fter I ttended junior high school I did not hve much of n running I hve to do morning exercises on theplyground. Then I cn opportunity to lern the wy I did in grde school, but did not regret hve brekfst. Hving brekfst, I need to hve morningreding. Oh, I lmost forget tht ll of the students hve to do some cleningbefore brekfst. There come the vrious clsses. Then noon comes. Hvinglunch, I will go to sleep. I often red twenty minutes

becuse we re bound to go through vriousstges of life. nywy, my grde school eduction ws the cornerstone of my lter lerning creer nd for tht single reson, if not for ny other, I m grteful to it. 初中生活的中考英语作文3

before I fll sleep. I hveclss in the fternoon. nd I still hve clsses t night. I hve studied in my middle school for three yers.My life in Its boring, right? ButI hve got used to it nd enjoy myself t school. middle school is rich nd I hve lerned lot. I get knowledge from text 初中生活的〔中考英语作文〕2

books s well s from extr curriculr ctivities. I studied hrd in the pst

My grde school dys re the most wonderful time I hve ever hd. In three yers so tht I got perfect scores. But, I lso ttch importnce to those dys I lwys wnted s egerly to lern s dog prowls bout in serch other spects, such s mking friends, hobbies, helth nd sports. I build of food. The techers tught me not only the three Rs but lso the wy to good reltionships with my clssmtes. They become n importnt prt of observe the world surrounding us. They lid more stress on observtion thn on memoriztion.

Thus we hd much time to tlk over nd trde our lerning experiences. Wht excited me most during my grde school dys,

my life.I like to cht with them fter clss tht mkes me relx nd comfortble. My hobby is swimming. Every Sundy morning, I go to swim with my friends or my fther. When I hve fun, I build helthy body. Its so gret to me. In one word, my life in middle is colorful nd




1995 I went into tizhou junior middle school.Totlly we hd 7 [初中生活的中考英语作文]相关的文章

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rbbit sugr during clss time,she sked me to buy tht blnd sugr one peice for everyone.in my opinion ,she hted everyting except

study,everyweekend ,she sked us to study in school,sundy fternoon ws just the free time for us.when she sw we plyed footbll,she must

get the bll bck to her office.someone who ws to be in love ws found by her,he would be punished just like shit.luckyly,i ws not found by her.i liked the girl who ws my Elementry school schoolmte during my junior middle school.i didnt know she konwed or not.it ended when we grduted.but i liked to tlk with others during clss

time,everytime i ws found by her,she sked me to write 3000 words to explin why nd how to do in future. nowdys every time i remeber wht hppened in my junior middle school,i deeply pprecit her kindness.she is rel good techer.

My junior middle school time hs psted ,but it will influece till the end of my life.

