篇一:三人行必有我师焉(演讲稿) 三人行必有我师焉 各位领导、老师:
孔子的“三人行必有我师焉”这句话,道出了他虚心向别人学习的可贵精神,受到后人的极力赞赏。为人师者,肩负“传道,授业,解惑”的重任,在我身边的老师们为了学生的锦绣前程;为了家长们望子成龙,望女成凤的期盼;为了对得起自己的良知,她们“淡泊以明志,宁静以致远”,这些老师都可以作为我的良师,都是我学习的好榜样。 我身边的唐湘蓉老师便是一名让我钦佩的好老师。作为一名优秀教师,唐老师没有在过去的成绩上停滞不前,而是以高标准严要求来对待自己,并积极投身到创新教育的时代潮流中。她无论做哪一项工作都是有计划、有落实、有检查、有总结,把自己的教学经验与的实际工作密切结合起来,促使教学水平不断提高。欲给学生一滴水,教师先有一桶水,因为她明白:教到老,学到老,才会永远站在教育领域的前端。勤于学习,精于业务,乐于奉献,这就是唐老师可贵之处。她就是我学习的楷模,更是我的良师益友!
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 践着那句老话:“一切为了孩子,为了孩子的一切。” 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家! 篇二:学习之三人行必有我师 作文学习心得之三人行必有我师
孔子说的这句话用在我作文学习上再合适不过了。因为作文是我语文学习中的短板,所以我从暑假开始仿写高老师博客上的文章。 一次,我读到了一篇江瑀杰写的名叫《财富》的作文,主要写了一个老人卖幸福,可他只卖给最富有的人。老人没有把财富卖给学者、大款,而是卖给了一个拥有爱的小孩。
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 第七段又写“这件事我一直记忆犹新”,结尾写“阿!这件事我想我将永生难忘。”这样会使文章让读者读起来更清晰。 不过要说描写,还是应当说说李纪伦写得《习惯》了。
这篇文章细节描写十分丰富,多处运用了环境描写。比如:“没有农家的灯光,寂静得可怕,”这句话看似说环境,其实体现了作者害怕的心理。我的作文正缺少这些,所以每次的作文环境描写总被老师删掉。 我认为以后在作文当中应多一些环境描写,比如:在害怕时写一写寒风飒飒;在高兴时写一写阳光明媚;在迷茫时写一写大雾弥漫;在伤心时写一写乌云漫天。这样会使文章丰富多彩,更加充实。 三人行必有我师,我坚信这个道理。 篇三:三人行必有我师焉
三人行必有我师焉:择其善而从之,其不善者而改之 Confucius said: “the three of us are walking together, must have my teacher.” Each of us has its own advantages, but also has its own disadvantages, learning from others to make up their own short, long, of course, has its significance. As just looking at our own advantages, to see the strengths of others, will make the proud. However, only to see the strengths of others, will only be blind to learn from others, is that right? Ever hear of such a fable: there is a young lion, determined to become a most perfect lion.
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 Later, it found a lion in the long distance running endurance than weak antelope. So he decided to learn antelope graze to increase endurance, finally the lion for grazing and become physical depletion. The lion’s mother found his approach and said to him: “the lion is king of the plains, not because it has no shortcomings, but because it has a prominent advantage. It is to rely on outstanding observation, excellent power, sharp teeth and accurate jump action rather than rely on perfect to dominate the prairie, without the shortcomings of the animal is not exist. “Think carefully, is it right? We made the same mistakes and lion. We can go around to everyone they learn the merits, is because we wanted to be so perfect. The pursuit of perfection is not wrong, but not too much, we must allow for his shortcomings, allowing his less than perfect. Because in our learning from others to get rid of all the drawbacks of them, perhaps we are losing their most precious advantages, but to become a mediocre person. The lion is a lion, the talent is a talent, not because they had no faults, but because they can avoid the shortcomings of their own, to the most incisive to exert their own advantages. A reporter in an interview with the Nobel Prize in physics in 1998 when Cui Qi was
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 surprised to learn that this famous scientist is actually “computer blind “ asked why, Cui Qi said: “I want to learn computer, but my mind was spent on research, have no energy to study computer.” The authors asked again: “ then you didn’t fall behind the times feeling?” Cui Qi calmly replied: “the world is changing too fast, fashionable things too much, no way; I have to learn to give up.” Learn to give up, is to allow their own imperfect. Each person’s energy is limited, it is impossible for anyone in each area are successful. So, we don’t have to go to the envy of other areas of success,
not blindly learning from them, what we should do is to maximize the advantages. Therefore, three of us are walking together may not be my teacher. We are not should not learn from others, but should be able to give better play to our advantages of teacher learning. Three of us are walking together may not be my teacher, therefore, when carefully studied.