
System and method for consumer-selected advertisin

2020-08-17 来源:意榕旅游网

专利名称:System and method for consumer-selected

advertising and branding in interactive media

发明人:Laura Lee Kusumoto,Earl David

Sacerdoti,Leila Janine Sigler,Sonya Lee Sigler



摘要:A user of an interactive medium may select advertising for display on the user'savatar, property, or other user-associated environment. The invention presents one or

more advertisements to the user and allows the user to select at least one

advertisement to display. The user may also choose a location for displaying the selectedadvertisement. The invention presents the selected advertisement to other users of theinteractive medium. The invention tracks these presentations or displays and rewards theoriginal user based on the presentation. The tracking data may also be used to bill theadvertiser or optimize the process of selecting and displaying advertisements.

申请人:Laura Lee Kusumoto,Earl David Sacerdoti,Leila Janine Sigler,Sonya Lee Sigler

地址:San Francisco CA US,Alamo CA US,Palomar Park CA US,San Carlos CA US


代理机构:Stolowitz Ford Cowger LLP

