局长 骆琳
第一章 总则
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of
thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
第二章 建设项目安全条件论证与安全预评价
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions
of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
第三章 建设项目安全设施设计审查
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two
hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions
of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
第四章 建设项目安全设施施工和竣工验收
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction,
unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
建设项目安全验收评价报告应当符合国家标准或者行业标准的规定。 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction,
unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
第五章 法律责任
第三十四条已经批准的建设项目安全设施设计发生重大变更,生产经营单位未报原批准部门审查同意擅自开工建设的,责令限期改正,可以并处1万元以上3万元以下的罚款。 beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction, unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should
be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall
第六章 附则
beam and reinforced concrete floor. , Hanger location should be correct, install neat and firm, tubes and scaffolds should be in very close touch. Pipe and bracket weld shall not eat, burn-through and other phenomena. (2) No heat displacement of the pipe, the suspenders should be installed vertically, boom length can be adjusted; thermal displacement pipe, hangers should be ? of thermal displacement offset value in the opposite direction tilt installation. Two hot pipe of varying displacement or displacement in the opposite direction,
unless specified design shall use the same hanger. (3), davit specifications should comply with the design requirements. (4) large diameter pipe valve, there should be support shall not be piping weight. (5) fixed to the structure of pipe support, crane and carrier shall not affect safety. (6) steel pipe support spacing for horizontal installation according to the design requirements and the national construction code. (7) the riser pipe, when the height is less than or equal to 5M, installed on each floor, 1 for height is greater than 5M, each floor shall be not less than 2, it tube cards apart from the ground level to more than 1.5~1.8M,2 pipe clamp can be installed symmetry. 7. installation of indoor drainage pipe (1) pipe and pipe fittings should comply with the design requirements and the provisions of the code. (2) pipe through the basement wall