movement, technique, approach, decline, friction, harmony, virtue, blouse, 名词 mom, consensus, cheque, consultant, bonus, pace, schedule, deadline, allowance, pension, pioneer emerge, touch, arise, boom, devote, swap, yell, beg, quit, budget 单词 动词 形容词 sophisticated, rhythmic, vocal, conventional, fancy, neat, vain, tight, part-time, super, refreshing, humorous offshore, otherwise soul music, hip hop, side by side, be bored with, take advantage of, backing 副词 track, rather than, in order, try out, be blessed with, come out, far from, be devoted to, beg for, make an impression on sb. 词汇表 短语 模块中 1. as well as e.g. As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore, and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. 句式 2. the moment 引导时间状语从句 e.g. “The moment I heard it,” he said, “I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” 3. It doesn’t matter (+从句) e.g. My message is that it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, fat, thin, old and young—we’re all the same, it’s a great world and you can do something with your life.” 语法
1. 时间状语从句 2. 省略句 pop music, huge audiences, fancy clothes, meet the deadline, in the history of, be short for 基础知识默写
1. _____________ n. 运动 2. _____________ adj. 嗓音的 3. _____________ n. 方法;步骤 4. _____________ n. 衰退;下降;减少 5. _____________ vt. 触动;感动;使动心 6. _____________ v. (由……)引起(产生)
7. _____________ v. 制定预算,按预算来安排开支 8. _____________ n. 不合, 抵触;摩擦 9. _____________ n. 融洽,一致 10. ____________ n. 美德
11. ____________ adj. 按惯例的;传统的 12. ____________ adj. 新潮的 13. ____________ adj. 整齐的,整洁的 14. ____________ n. 顾问 15. ____________ n. 速度,进度
16. ____________ adj. (控制)严格的,严密的 17. ____________ n.计划表,日程表 18. ____________ n. 截止时间,最后期限 19. ____________ adv.否则,要不然 20. ____________ adj. 极好的,超级的 21. ____________ v. 叫喊,叫嚷 22. ____________ v. 请求,恳求 23. ____________ v. 离开,辞去 24. ____________ n. 抗议
25. sophisticated adj. _____________ 26. rhythm n. 27. graffiti n.
_____________ _____________
28. technique n. _____________ 29. improvise v. _____________
30. boom v. 31. cheque n. 32. vain adj. 33. bonus n. 34. pension n. 35. pioneer n. 派生单词
_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________
36. __________ v.出现 __________ n.出现;显现 __________ n.紧急情况;危急形势 37. __________ v.为……付出时间/努力/金钱等 __________ n.献身;挚爱 __________ adj.忠实的;挚爱的 38. __________ n.移民 __________ v.迁移;迁徙 __________ n.移居;迁移;迁徙 39. __________ adj.幽默的 __________ n.幽默 短语
1. ________________ 灵乐 2. ________________ 嬉蹦乐 3. ________________ 并排;并肩 4. ________________ 厌烦 5. ________________ 利用 6. ________________ 伴奏曲 7. ________________ 而不是 8. ________________ 有序的 9. ________________ 尝试 10. _______________ 有幸
11. _______________ 对……专一,专注 12. _______________ 乞求,请求
13. _______________ 给某人留下印象 14. _______________ 是……的简称 15. _______________ 由……组成 16. _______________ 安静地,无声地 句型 1. as well as
e.g. As well as attracting huge audiences in its Hong Kong home, Cantopop has spread offshore,
and its stars are known in Beijing, London and New York. 2. the moment 引导时间状语从句
e.g. “The moment I heard it,” he said, “I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” 3. It doesn’t matter (+从句)
e.g. My message is that it doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, fat, thin, old and young—we’re all
the same, it’s a great world and you can do something with your life.”
参考答案 基础知识默写 基本单词 1. movement 7. budget 12. fancy 17. schedule 22. beg
2. vocal
3. approach
4. decline 5. touch
6. arise
8. friction 9. harmony 10. virtue 11. conventional
16. tight
13. neat 14. consultant 15. pace
18. deadline 19. otherwise 20. super 21. yell 23. quit
24. protest
25. 复杂的;高级的
28. 技巧,手法 31. 支票
26. 节律;节奏;律动 27. 涂鸦;乱涂乱抹
29. 即兴演奏;即兴表演 30. 繁荣;兴起
32. 自负的,自视过高的 33. 没有预料到的好事 34. 养老金;退休金
35. 先锋;创始人 派生单词
36. emerge; emergence; emergency 37. devote; devotion; devoted 38. migrant; migrate; migration 短语
1. soul music 2. hip hop 3. side by side 4. be bored with 5. take advantage of 6. backing track 7. rather than 8. in order
9. try out 10. be blessed with
39. humorous; humor
11. be devoted to 12. beg for 13. make an impression on sb. 14. be short for 15. consist of 16. in silence