The test is 100 marks. 25 True or False (25 marks) 25 Multiple choice (25 marks) 25 Short answer (50 marks)
There will be 25 questions - True or false (1 mark each). For example: Q: In Australia they speak English. True / False
There will be 25 questions - multiple choice (1 mark each). For example: (From page 41, Q: 1) Q: One of the ruling royal families of Britain was: (a) The Forbes-Smiths (b) The Obamas (c) The Tudors
(d) The Hirohitos
These questions for True or False and multiple choice come from the textbook. We have written all the answers to 10 chapters of Britain and 5
Chapters of Australia in our notebooks (or I have given you the answers). All the questions are from questions 1,2 or 3 from the chapters in our textbook (We will use questions 4, 5, 6, and 7 on the alternative test if someone is sick and cannot do the test).
There will be 25 questions - short answer (2 marks each)
These questions come from our group presentations - Exams, New Zealand, Halloween, Universities, Scotland, Student Power, Bilingualism. These questions include facts, vocabulary and culture from the seven presentations. For example:
Q1: In a British Council article on Scotland, the country is described as the 'sick man of Europe.' Why do many people in Scotland have health problems?
Q2: In a British Council article on Exams, the author uses the word \"jammy\" to describe her friend. What does the word \"jammy\" mean?
In our last class in Week 17, we will do some activities and play some games to help us prepare for the test.
To study for this test, you need to be familiar with the material and understand it. You do not have to recite long answers. And you have already searched for all the answers when we did our homework. So although you hated it when I made you do your homework, you don't have to find the answers now. See? Homework was a good idea!