地理空间信息GEOSPATIAL INFORMATIONMay.,2019Vol.17,No.5长沙市高分辨率遥感影像辅助规划5 a
(1.长沙市规划勘测设计研究院,湖南 长沙410007)
摘 要:高分辨率遥感影像以其现势、直观、易判读等优势在城乡规划管理工作中起着重要的基础保障作用。可将定期更新的高分辨率遥感影像数据及时地应用于规划执法、交通研究、生态保护等领域;同时由周期性的遥感数据及其专题应用成果累积形成的遥感综合应用大数据是城市变迁的历史见证,还可降低城乡规划管理工作成本,提升决策水平。关键词:高分辨率遥感影像;遥感应用;变化监测
中图分类号:P237 文献标志码:B
段的原始卫星影像进行融合、纠正、镶嵌和裁剪,并制作正射影像成果;再进行建设用地变化监测、专题信息提取等工作,并完成各专项成果的制作,如图1所示。2.1 卫星影像数据更新
项目采用的卫星影像的地面分辨率为0.5~0.8 m,属于高分辨率卫星影像。与传统卫星影像数据制作正射影像图一样,高分辨率卫星影像数据的制作更新包括原始数据采集,全色数据与多光谱数据融合、纠正、镶嵌、分幅等步骤。由于长沙地区植被茂盛、全年常绿,为了便于专题信息的提取与成果的美观,项目 制作过程中额外对绿色波段进行了增强。影像与专题数据均需周期性更新(5 a甚至更久),空间定位严格一致是必须保证的前提,因此项目对影像实行了两次纠正,即利用自带RPC参数的粗纠正和利用大比例尺地形图的精纠正。
2.2 长沙市城乡规划动态遥感监测
像数据的定期采集与成图,周期约为4个月,即每年完成3期影像数据的制作更新,其影像成果也将作为辅助规划工作最基础的数据资料;②利用定期更新的遥感影像成果动态监测长沙城区的建设用地变化,包括系统建设和数据生产两部分,前者采用GIS技术整合基础地理信息、审批数据等内容,利用遥感影像判别搭建执法监控平台,实现手段先进、管理科学、违法预警的规划执法,后者根据相邻两期遥感影像成果,通过波段运算与人工甄别相结合的方式发现、管理、控制、处理违法违章建筑;③以高分辨率遥感影像为基础,定期编制长沙市道路、水体、绿地一张图,供规划、交通、园林、水务等部门开展设计管理工作,同时展现了城市建设与生态环境的发展变迁;④每2~3 a
䒛ТЂ̿䷄ԍ㏫ѹ䕿䌛䓥㏫Ⅰѿȟ㐫㜖䯲䃪䃍䃪⩔≷䕿䌛͙㏫㑂㐄̿䷄ԍ㑂㐄䕿䌛∁䭋⣜倄⼷ԍ㶔҈̿䷄Ϧ㑂㐄䶡䲎亜❴⯽≷䕿䌛̬Ⅰѿȟ㐫̬䕿䌛̬图1 项目生产流程图
2)长沙市违法违章建筑监测图斑是以不同时期的遥感影像成果为依据,首先生成单波段变化检测红图,并对单波段检测成果进行叠加;再通过自动监督分类提取变化范围的矢量图斑;最后利用已有的规划审批放线定位资料,人工对矢量图斑进行目视验证。该过程有效地保证了成果图斑的准确性、完整性和高效性。2.3 长沙市道路、水体、绿地一张图编制
表1 要素编码设计表
要素代码特征描述要素类型层 名颜色代码999950快速路线城市道路中心线1999951主干路线城市道路中心线2999952次干路线城市道路中心线3999953支路线城市道路中心线4999954内部路线城市道路中心线5999968匝道中心线线城市道路中心线35999970建筑中道路中心线线城市道路中心线25999955高速公路线公路中心线6999956国道线公路中心线7999957省道线公路中心线8999958县道线公路中心线9999959乡道线公路中心线11999967小路线公路中心线33999960道路边线线道路边线20999961人行道边线线人行道边线21999962人行天桥位置线人行天桥位置22999963立交桥边线线立交桥边线23999964桥线桥24999965隧道线隧道25999966建筑中道路边线线建筑中道路边线26999901绿地面绿地110
第17卷第5期赵莹莹等:长沙市高分辨率遥感影像辅助规划5 a综合应用·7·
5)属性表和统计表的输出。基于EPS2008软件平台进行二次开发,可直接在EPS2008中按照所需数据查询条件输出Microsoft Excel格式的要素属性表和要素统计表。
2.4 《长沙市区卫星影像地图集》编制
①规格与图廓设计。图集的规格是其适用性的关键,厚重则不利于使用,轻薄则不利于表达。图集的开本尺寸设计为335 mm×470 mm,内图廓尺寸设计为300 mm×440 mm,左右各边留空15 mm,天头留空25 mm,地脚留空10 mm,作外图廓装饰。②在内容方面,针对不同时期的图集,不仅做到遥感影像底图和地理信息数据的更新,还通过专题篇内容的变化,使图集更加丰富多彩,既全面展示又突出重点。例如,2011版图集专题篇的主题为“长沙交通”,包括长沙市交通区位图、市域交通图、中心城区综合交通影像图、“八桥三环两隧”影像图、轨道交通建设规划影像图、城区水运物流发展规划影像图等内容(图2);而2014版
ȧ䪫⇅䯲喋❴喌Ȩ䲎哔哔䶡哔Ⱊ哔ҷン̿䷄ン䆸ϐ䕆ѹϐ䕆͙㐨ϐ䕆啢̵⣛͐䯓啣䒔䕿ϐ䕆䃪㻰Ⅰ䓼➕≭㻰图2 2011版图集内容框架
ȧ䪫⇅䯲喋❴喌Ȩ䲎哔哔䶡哔Ⱊ哔ҷン̿䷄ン㉎䘩̿䷄↋⇟⎂⇶̿䷄⎫̿䷄≞̿䷄̿䷄䉰⎼̿䷄䷺䆸图3 2014版图集内容框架
3)制版印刷。图集的印刷采用108 g铜版纸,封面封底使用250 g铜版纸压纹,采用CTP工艺制版,海德堡四开照排机进行CMYK四色印刷,锁线胶装。
上述动态监测遥感影像的二代产品经过5 a多的应用实践,已成为其他规划管理建设项目的基础数据,又衍生出了第三代专题产品,广泛应用于相关行业中(图4)。
第17卷第5期赵莹莹等:长沙市高分辨率遥感影像辅助规划5 a综合应用·9·
倄䓔⢳䖑㻰⯽≷䕿䌛̬Ⅰ㈧̬㐫̬䯲䔉「ぽ䛻҈㐕㔯ͷ̬䔉哔䔉҈䉰啢⮪䔉啣㵸䉰ϐ䕆Ὅ⎼㻰ネ⤲̬々⎫ԉ㏫Ⅰԉ㏫㻰㨉㏫⮰ネ⤲Ⅰԉԉ㏫㐫ԉ㏫ԍネ⤲㈧㐋㐫哔⿃͆ѹ䄎Ӊϐ䕆⍤ć图4 高分辨率影像辅助规划应用领域示意图
4结 语
无论是高分辨率遥感影像图制作,还是各专题要素一张图编制,亦或是监测、图集等其他遥感影像产品的生产应用,完成一次或几次并不困难,而长沙市高分辨率遥感影像辅助规划5 a综合应用项目的难得之处就在于以4个月一次的高频率进行更新,且已坚持5 a,还将继续坚持下去。偶尔制作一次的影像图仅是一幅挂在墙上的写真,而定期更新的遥感影像图联在一起才是一部见证城乡历史变迁的动画。项目正因为有了“定期更新”这一核心理念,才凸显了“快”、“深”、“大”3个特点:“快”,以“现势资料、现势应用”为目标思路,将卫星影像采集、制作更新、专题应用等环节层层推进,最大程度地保障了数据的现势性;“深”,以遥感影像为载体,开发了多个常态专题应用,融合了技术创新、开发创新、生产人员合作创新等流程工艺,在城乡规划、交通规划、林业规划、水体规划等方面取得了实际应用,真正发挥了影像的最大价值,实现了一次投资、更多回报;“大”,连年多次的遥感影像和专题应用成果累积形成了大量的各时期、各专题的存档资料,遥感辅助规划的大数据正在逐步形
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Application of the Batch Preprocessing for GF-2 Satellite Images Abstractby BAO Yingof Ningbo City as data resource, based on the preprocessing flows of In this study, taking GF-2 satellite images in the planning area orthorectification-fusion and atmospheric correction, we realized the batch preprocessing in the study area. The results indicate that the batch pre-processing results can meet the needs of 1and obtain typical object reflectivity information, which can provide a basis ∶10 000 orthoimage production for remote sensing applications in Ningbo City.
Key words (Page:1) GF-2, orthorectification, atmospheric correction, batch processingPlanning Comprehensive Application for Five Years in Changsha City Based on High-resolution Remote Sensing ImageAbstract by ZHAO Yingyingrealities, intuitive and easy interpretation, play an important infrastructure High-resolution remote sensing images, with the advantages of assurance role in urban and rural planning management. We can applied the regularly updated high-resolution remote sensing images in the planning law enforcement, transportation research, ecological protection and other fields timely. At the same time, the remote sensing comprehensive application big data formed by the accumulation of periodic remote sensing data and thematic application results are the historical witness of urban changes, which can reduce the urban and rural planning management cost and improve the decision-making level.
Key words change monitoring high-resolution remote sensing image, remote sensing application, (Page:5)
Object-oriented Urban Water Body Extraction Based on Sentinel-2 Satellite ImageryAbstract by JIANG Dandaninstrument (MSI) imagery, we put forward a object-oriented urban water body In this paper, based on the newly launched Sentinel-2 multi-spectral extraction method. Firstly, we utilized four Near-Infra-Red (NIR) bands in 10 m resolution as a high-resolution image to sharpen the 20 m Short-Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) band after atmospheric correction. Then, we used the multi-resolution segmentation algorithm to segment the combined images, and established the knowledge rule sets through the analysis of spectral and spatial information of image objects. Finally, we realized the semi-automatic extraction of water body by adjusting the threshold manually. We chose two study areas with different characteristics, and the total accuracies were above 95% and Kappa values were more than 0.75. The experiment results indicate that the proposed method has a better performance and higher accuracy in urban center region than suburbs.Key words Sentinel-2, object-oriented analysis, water body extraction (Page:10)Optimization Method of Public Bicycle Allocation in WAbstractuhan City by to analyze the current status of Wuhan City public bicycle allocation at first. It In this paper, we used the gravity accessibility model and the Huff model YUAN Ruiwas found that the densely distributed regional accessibility in the central area of Wuhan downtown were better with the accessibility of 10%~30%, remote region with sparsely-distributed or almost no sites had poor accessibility below 10%. In view of the unbalanced public bicycle allocation in Wuhan City, we proposed and verified a site selection plan for the new site. The results show that the availability of all sites up to 43% averagely, and the average number of bicycle in the area under 1 000 m increases more than 10%. This study can provide a certain reference for the location and layout optimization of public service facilities.Key words gravity accessibility, ArcGIS, layout optimization (Page:14)Research on Spatio-temporal Changes of Soil Erosion in Shichuan River WatershedAbstractregion in the Loess Plateau, taking Shichuan River watershed as the study area, In order to explore the erosion changes in high vegetation cover by YANG Bowe used RUSLE model in conjunction with RS and GIS to estimate the soil erosion modulus from 2000 to 2013, and analyzed the spatio-temporal change characteristics of soil erosion under different vegetation cover conditions and different land use types. The results show that related to the spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity, topography and land use ①soil erosion intensity is closely pattern. Grain Project. The area of forest land increased from 19.45% to 33.20%, while the ②The land use types change obviously in the watershed after Green for grassland decreased from 24.51% to 12.48%, the cultivated land decreased from 51.44% to 48.37%. 2
to 806.12 t/(km2③The soil erosion modulus decreased from 1 473.7 t/(km·a) land use is forestland, grassland and cultivated land. So Green for Grain Project ·a). The descending order of soil erosion intensity in different has already obtained obvious benefit of water and soil conservation. The soil erosion intensity of Shichuan River watershed can stand for the similar rainfall and topography area, and the soil loss similar region has still has room for further reductionKey words soil erosion, RUSLE model, GIS, Shichuan River watershed (Page:19)Geolocation Accuracy Validation of Meteorological Satellite Data Based on GPS
by AbstractSUN Zhigui
geometric accuracy of the FY-3B MERSI based on the time series images. T In this paper, we presented a method for validating and evaluating the
artificial infrastructures in the Tianjin Bay which were reclaimed land from sea in
aking the
recent years as the references, we validated the geometric accuracy errors of the time
series FY-3B MERSI 250 m images, and then analyzed the geometric accuracy. The
results show that there is a large geometric error still existing in the FY-3B MERSI
data and the preset goal of the geometric accuracy error at 1 pixel or sub pixel level is not actually achieved. The geometric accuracy error in latitude is much larger than that in longitude. The general geometric accuracy error for latitude is around -2 to -9 pixels, while for longitude it is around ±3 pixels. Along with the time elapsing, the geometric accuracy error for longitude is increasing towards east from west direction, while for the latitude is moving northward and becoming larger. Within the zenith angle range of 30°, no trend shows that the geometric accuracy error for longitude is changing as the increasing of the zenith angle, while the geometric accuracy error for latitude is becoming smaller but with the increasing amplitude as the increasing of the zenith angle. The proposed method is practically useful for investigating the existing problems in the geometric model of FY-3B MERSI.
Key words calibration and validation meteorological satellite, GPS, geometric correction, error analysis, (Page:23)
Design and Implementation of the Mineral Resource Survey Evaluation System Based on WebGIS Abstract by and utilization of shallow geothermal energy, and have accumulated a large Several cities in our country have carried out the resource development TU Yuedongnumber of geothermal energy scientific data, but most of the data stored in the form of tables, drawings, which is difficult to carry out the follow-up professional analysis. On the basis of this, taking the shallow geothermal energy in Shanghai for example, we used WebGIS technology to design and implement a mineral resource survey and analysis evaluation system, which set information collection, storage, maintenance, analysis, management in one, and had wide public participation. This system contains six function modules, such as the resource distribution module, the network module, the development and utilization
module, the news dynamic module, WebGIS module and operations management module. The system can realize the interaction of public access to government network professional processing in a unified platform, display maps of the shallow geothermal energy scientific data, query graphics-attribute data, and network publish mineral resources. This system is beneficial to peer resource sharing and communication, improve public awareness of the shallow geothermal energy development and utilization value, and popularize scientific knowledge of green
energy.Key words (Page:27) mineral resource survey, analysis evaluation system, WebGISResearch on Data Processing Technology of Emergency Surveying and Mapping Based on Pix4DmapperAbstract by ZHOU Naien maximumly, the rapid and high precision data processing has become a hot topic. In order to meet the requirements of emergency response to the urgency In this paper, taking Pix4Dmapper software as a platform, we used different
processing modes to complete the aerial data orthographic image production of
Ningxia Zhongwei Northwest Industrial Park, and analyzed and evaluated their accuracy and efficiency. The experimental results show that according to the relative aerial height design of 2 000 m and 1 000 m, the processing efficiency and accuracy of the imaging data can meet the timeliness requirements of emergency surveying and mapping, which can provide first-hand result information for national or local emergency surveying and mapping command decision and data services safeguard.Key words timeliness (Page:32) Pix4Dmapper, high precision mode, fast mode, without GCP, Spatial Difference Between the High Density Population Aggregation Area and Urban Built-up Area Abstractby ZHANG Dongjie
aggregation (AHPA), based on the population density and population size at first. In this paper, we extracted the area with high density population
Then, we used the overlay analysis and gravity center and standard deviational ellipse method to analyze the spatial differences between the AHPA and urban built-up area (UA) in China from 2000 to 2015. The results show that overlap rate between AHPA and UA in China from 2000 to 2015 is less than ①the 30%, and it is common that population aggregates in non-urban construction land. better than that in inland areas, and in the southern coastal region the AHPA not ②The coordination of population aggregation and UA in coastal areas is accompanying with UA is widely distributed. and UA is both north-south, and the UA area are larger than the AHPA area in ③The dominant direction of AHPA the north, while the opposite in the south. Overall, their spatial distribution tends to be consistent. This study can provide a reference for coordinating the rational
allocation of population and land resource, and provide a decision-making basis
for population, land and economic urbanization in the future.Key words standard deviational ellipse AHPA, UA, spatial difference, overlay analysis, gravity center, (Page:36)Research on Common Building Area Apportionment Method of East Tower
Real Estate Surveying and MappingAbstract by
WEN KejiTower, combining with the working experience in real estate surveying and Based on the real estate surveying and mapping of Guangzhou East mapping for many years, referring to the technical provisions for the common building area apportionment of the national standard and the Guangzhou landmark, we studied a scientific and rational common building area apportionment method.Key words apportionment method real estate surveying and mapping, common building area, (Page:41)