

2024-08-30 来源:意榕旅游网


制定人:苗青 教学团队审核人:刘晓民 开课学院审核人:李路

课程名称:大学英语口语(一)/College English-Speaking Course I 课程代码:219410 适用层次(本/专科):本科

学时:16 学分:1 讲课学时:16 上机/实验等学时:0 考核方式:考查 先修课程:

适用专业:各专业 教材:《Let’s Talk 大学英语基础口语教程》 第1册 上海外语教育出版社2012 主要参考书:

1.刘晓民,张蓓. 《大学英语口语拓展教程》 上册 高等教育出版社 2012

2.张蓓、李欣、胡炜《工程师实用英语口语教程》 上、下册 自编教材 3.郑树棠等《新视野大学英语视听说教程》 1-4册 外语教学与研究出版社 2005

一、 本课程在课程体系中的定位


二、 教学目标

1. 培养学生的英语口头表达能力。 2. 培养学生交际能力和团队合作能力。

三、 教学效果


1. 能就日常生活中的熟悉情景进行比较简短交谈。 2. 能就社会生活中的一般性话题做有准备的发言。 3. 能比较大致表达自己的思想。

4. 能做到英语语音基本准确,并被他人理解。 5. 了解主要英语国家的文化和生活习俗。

四、 教学内容与教学效果对照表

教学效果 教学内容 效果1 效果2 效果3 效果4 效果5 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1

Communicating in English All kinds of people Free time √ √ √ √ √ √

People Money Travel and tourism Food and drink Entertainment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 五、 教学内容和基本要求

Topic 1 Communicating in English

教学内容:practicing meeting people for the first time; asking questions to get to know each people better; finding more information about people one just knows 教学要求:

To discuss meeting people for the first time;

To ask and answer personal information question;

To practice ask questions to find about information about a classmate; To practice using alphabet to spell names and words; To exchange personal information;

To understand people giving personal information 重点难点:

【本章重点】exchange information to get to know each other better 【本章难点】ask questions to exchange more personal information

Topic 2 All kinds of people

教学内容:describing people; describe people’s physical appearance; describe people’s personalities 教学要求:

To describe people’s physical appearance; To understand descriptions of people; To describe physical features; To talk about personality traits;

To talk about personality in relation to people’s astrological, or stars, signs; To use vocabulary for personality traits 重点难点:

【本章重点】people’s physical features and personalities

【本章难点】using new vocabulary to describe one’s personality traits

Topic 3 Free time

教学内容:leisure activities and sports; hobbies and other interests; different sports 教学要求:

To talk about free-time activities and hobbies; To talk about personal hobbies and interests; To compare likes and dislikes; To talk about different sports;


To discuss unusual extreme sports


【本章重点】types of hobbies and sports

【本章难点】describe one’s feeling toward certain leisure activities

Topic 4 People

教学内容:people and relationships; family relationships and family life; friendship and one’s friends


To talk about family relationships;

To talk about different living situations with one’s family, with a roommate or alone; To talk about friends;

To talk about what one likes to do with their friends; To talk about qualities of a good friend; To talk about friends and their personalities


【本章重点】family relationship and friendship

【本章难点】introduce one’s best friend’s personality

Topic 5 Money

教学内容:ways to spend money and save money; shopping and clothing; one’s own attitude toward money; appropriate gift for different people


To talk about different shopping destinations; To talk about students’ own recent purchases; To talk about different piece of clothing;

To compliment people on what they are wearing; To talk about ways of saving money; To talk about attitudes toward money 重点难点:

【本章重点】purchase and fortune

【本章难点】one’s attitudes toward money

Topic 6 Travel and tourism

教学内容:vacations, travel and tourism; different kinds of trips; what one like to do on vacation; international travel 教学要求:

To describe different kinds of vacations;

To understand people talking about their vocation experience; To talk about famous tourist destinations;

To understand people taking about their vocations 重点难点:

【本章重点】vacations, travel and tourism;

【本章难点】To share opinions about various vacations


Topic 7 Food and drink

教学内容:food, drink and eating out; different kinds of foods; different meal courses; foods from around the world 教学要求:

To talk about favorite foods and drinks; To talk about types of meal courses;

To talk about the taste of different foods; To talk about places to eat;

To talk about foods students likes and dislikes; To talk about foods from different countries;

To talk about unusual foods and traditional meals


【本章重点】unusual, traditional and international foods, 【本章难点】To share opinions about various foods

Topic 8 Entertainment

教学内容:movies and television; television shows; television-watching habits 教学要求:

To describe movies;

To talk about movies in different genres; To discuss a movie to watch together; To talk about different kinds of TV shows; To identify a clips from TV shows;

To talk about television-watching habits 重点难点:

【本章重点】various types of entertainment activities 【本章难点】comment on the quality of television shows

六、 课时分配

教学内容 讲课 课堂练习 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4


Communicating in English All kinds of people Free time People Money Travel and tourism Food and drink Entertainment 共计 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 课堂陈述 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 翻转课堂 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 4 小计 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 16

七、 课程考核

1. 2. 3. 4.

上课的基本要求(不迟到、早退、不无故缺课等)占20%。 课堂表现 20% 过程考核20%。 期末考试占40%。



课程名称 适用专业 序号 评审内容 评审结论(请打√) 优秀 良好 合格 整改 课程代码 1 课程教学目标、教学效果定位准确,符合该课程在专业课程体系与毕业要求对照表中,对学生有关知识、能力、 素质的培养要求,能支撑毕业要求的实现。 教学内容充实合理,重点、难点突出,深度、难度、广度能够支撑课程教学目标与教学效果的实现,能够反映相关领域的发展前沿。 选用近期出版的优秀教材,其中,参考教材不得少于3本。 教学时数分配科学,注重课程之间的联系与交叉,与先修、后续课程,内容上无脱节、无重复。 2 3 4 5 6 文字描述清晰、意义明确、名词术语规范、定义正确。 课程考核方式科学合理。 专 家 评 审 意 见 评审专家信息 专家姓名 职称/职务 工作单位 专业 专家签名 年 月 日



课程名称 适用专业 序号 评审内容 评审结论(请打√) 优秀 良好 合格 整改 课程代码 1 课程教学目标、教学效果定位准确,符合该课程在专业课程体系与毕业要求对照表中,对学生有关知识、能力、 素质的培养要求,能支撑毕业要求的实现。 教学内容充实合理,重点、难点突出,深度、难度、广度能够支撑课程教学目标与教学效果的实现,能够反映相关领域的发展前沿。 选用近期出版的优秀教材,其中,参考教材不得少于3本。 教学时数分配科学,注重课程之间的联系与交叉,与先修、后续课程,内容上无脱节、无重复。 2 3 4 5 6 文字描述清晰、意义明确、名词术语规范、定义正确。 课程考核方式科学合理。 教 师 评 审 意 见 评审教师信息 姓名 职称 单位 讲授课程 与本课程的关系 (前修/后继/类似) 签名 年 月 日



课程名称: 授课教师: 授课学期: 序号 评价内容 评价等级(数值越高,效果越好) 0 1 2 3 4 5 教学目标与教学效果的知晓程度(10分) 你对教学大纲规定的教学目标与教学效果的知晓程度 教学效果评价(70分) 以下是教学大纲规定的课程效果,请选出规定的教学效果等级为: 1 2 3 4 5 6 教师与教学资料(20分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 教师精神饱满,爱岗敬业 紧紧围绕教学目标组织教学活动,教学内容充实,教材教参选用得当 备课充分,语言生动,口齿清晰,条理清楚 注重课堂互动,课堂气氛活跃,善于激发学生的学习积极性 课程指导、答疑充分 课程考核方式覆盖大纲要求,难度得当 作业、习题课、讨论课等效果明显 考核方式科学合理,考试内容覆盖大纲要求,难度得当

