

2021-07-27 来源:意榕旅游网


The People’s Insurance (Property) Company of China,Ltd

发票号码 Invoice No.

11SP1001 或提单号

保险单号次 Policy No.

海 洋 货 物 运 输 保 险 单


被保险人: Insured:

Shanghai Perfect International Business Co., Ltd


This policy of Insurance witnesses that the People’s Insurance (Property) Company of China, Ltd. (hereinafter called “The Company”), at the request of the Insured and in consideration of the agreed premium paid by the Insured, undertakes to insure the under mentioned goods in transportation subject to conditions of the Policy as per the Clauses printed overleaf and other special clauses attached hereon.

保险货物项目 Descriptions of Goods 包装 单位 数量 保险金额 Packing Unit Quantity Amount Insured 承保险别 Conditions

货物标记 Marks of Goods


Total Amount Insured: 保费 载运输工具 开航日期 Premium Per conveyance S.S Slg. on or abt 起运港 目的港 Form To

所保货物,如发生本保险单项下可能引起索赔的损失或损坏,应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。如有索赔,应向本公司提交保险单正本(本保险单共有 份正本)及有关文件。如一份正本已用于索赔,其余正本则自动失效。

In the event of loss or damage which may result in acclaim under this Policy, immediate notice must be given to the Company’s Agent as mentioned here under. Claims, if any, one of the Original Policy which has been issued in original (s) together with the relevant documents shall be surrendered to the Company. If one of the Original Policy has been accomplished, the others to be void. 赔款偿付地点 In USA dollar Claim payable at 目的港或者发货者国内 日期 在 Date at 地址: Address:

Shanghai Perfect International Business Co., Ltd

RM 301, BLDG 26, 558 STREET. BAOCHUN ROAD,SHANGHAI.CHINA TEL: 0086 21 54172965 FAX: 0086 21 54172969

我公司从事货物及技术的进出口业务、五金交电、家用电器、电子产品、电子元件、电线电缆、电动工具、机电产品、机械设备、印刷机械、汽摩配件、轴承、铁制品、电脑配件、包装设备的销售的进出口业务 及进出口的代理。
