




Mid-utumn Festivl is populr nd importnt lunr hrvest festivl celebrted by Chinese people. The festivl is held on the 15thdy of the eighth month in the Chinese clendr. There re some trditions in this holidy. For exmple, people would hve big dinner with their fmilies. fter dinner, they often enjoy the full moon which is round nd bright. The other trdition of mid-utumn festivl is eting moon cke. Moon cke is the essentil of tht dy, which mens reunion. s time goes by, there re vrious kinds of moon ckes, but they re much more expensive thn before. I like mid-utumn festivl becuse my fmilies will get together nd hve big dinner on tht dy.




In Chin, Mid-utumn Dy is considered to be symbol of fmily reunion. On this dy, ll the fmily members gther together t home to celebrte this specil occsion. Lst yer, I could not celebrte the festivl with my fmily becuse I ws in university. However, this specil dy left deep impression on me.

I still remember the tmosphere of tht evening. ll the students who could not go bck home ssembled in our clssroom, hving prty to celebrte this trditionl festivl. We tried our best to show our own enthusism. s n ethnic minority, I performed pecock dnce, which received wrm ppluse. fter the two-hour prty, we went out to the plyground nd st together to pprecite the moon becuse it is trdition on Mid-utumn Dy. We te moon ckes, plyed crds, nd listened to romntic poems recited by one of our clssmtes. In tht hrmonious tmosphere, nobody felt lonely or homesick even though we were fr wy from our homes.

Thnks to our clssmtes, I experienced such colorful nd interesting Mid-utumn Dy t my university. Thus, I lerned to vlue ll the festivls I spent during my university life.







The Mid-utumn is very importnt Chinese festivl. It flls on the 15th dy of ugust. few dys before the festivl, everyone in the fmily will help to mke the house clen nd beutiful. Lnterns will be hung in front of the house.

On the evening there will be big fmily dinner. People who work fr wy from their homes will try to come bck for the union. fter dinner, people will light the lnterns which re usully red nd round. Children will ply with their own toy lnterns hppily.

t night the moon is usully round nd bright. People cn enjoy the moon while eting moon-ckes which re the specil food for this festivl. They cn look bck on the pst nd look forwrd to the future together. It is sid tht there ws drgon in the sky. The drgon wnted to swllow up the moon. To protect the frighten the drgon wy.

I love The Mid-utumn!



The Middle-utumn Festivl is one of the trditionl Chinese festivls it is often held in September or October. During the festivl fmily members get united nd hve moonckes together. THere re vrious kind of moonckes such s ben pste egg-yolk or met. The shpe of mooncke is round s it symbolizes big moon. Moreover in the evening of the Middle-utumn Festivl people get together in vcnt plce eting delicious moonckes while ppreciting the beutiful moon hnging in the drk sky. To conclude the Midde-utumn Festivl is very nice festivl for Chinese people.


ugust 15th in Chinese Lunr Clendr is the Mid-utumn Dy. It is one of the most importnt trditionl festivls in Chin.

On tht dy people usully go bck home to hve fmily reunion . Ech fmily will hve the members get together to hve big dinner. The most populr food is moon ckes. They re round nd look like the moon.

The moon is the brightest this night. People et the delicious food while they re enjoying beutiful full moon in their yrd. t this time, some old people would like to tell mny pst events nd tell the children story bout the rbbit on the moon . The children relly believe tht there is rbbit on the moon. They hope to go to the moon nd hve look one dy.

Wht gret festivl!



