维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 快 糸婪键 日记是沟通阅读和你知道 是干嘛酌吗.j} D D ( 0 0 l2( 齐永斌) One night o hate)caught Fire,and the people uho t/ere stag— 枣 in9 in计ran out in their nihgt clothes、 TWO men stood outside and lOo“ed at the Fire BeFore I came out, said one, I ran|nfo 8ome oF the rooms and Found 0 1of oF mane9 People don‘t think oF mane9 when the9’re afraid When ongone  ̄eaves pcIper mane9 in o f,re, the Fire burn sif So I took oI1 the bills that I could Find No one u-l1 be poorer b6cause I took them、 You don‘t knou m9。uor“ said the other What is 9our uork? I'm o policeman. Oh! cried the first man Oe thought quicklg and said, Qnd do 9ou knou rnv uork? No said the policeman. 1.m o urifer rm oluo98 felifngs to ties about things fhaf never happened、 日圮涛丝一漫天飞舞着轻盈的雨珠,像无数个可爱的小精灵,从苍穹中 留 逮 湖南省桃江县桃花江镇中心学校C97 (413400) 徐紫欣 曾