
Method for controlling and adjusting fans of elect

2021-05-23 来源:意榕旅游网

专利名称:Method for controlling and adjusting fans of

electronic apparatus

发明人:Yi-Rong Yang申请号:US15616222申请日:20170607公开号:US09846444B1公开日:20171219


摘要:A method for controlling and adjusting fans of the electronic apparatus isdisclosed and comprises following steps: controlling a fan to operate according to adefault value after an electronic apparatus is booted; obtaining operating watt value of a

CPU after detecting that the temperature of the CPU reaches a set-point; inquiring oneof a learning table and a pre-established neural-network data array for obtaining a PWMvalue and P,I,D parameters corresponding to the operating watt value; performing anerror adjustment process to the obtained PWM value through a PID controller;controlling the operation of the fan according to the adjusted PWM value; storing theadjusted PWM value to the learning table if the temperature of the CPU equals the set-point; and, continuing to obtain, adjust and store the PWM value to continuously controlthe operation of the fan before the electronic apparatus is powered off.

申请人:AIC INC.

地址:Taoyuan TW


代理机构:HDLS IPR Services

代理人:Chun-Ming Shih

