专利名称:Earth observation method
发明人:Manfred Langemann,Uwe Mallow,Rudolf
Benz,Harald Schussler
摘要:Two sensors are carried on board a spacecraft: a first, low resolution \"preview\"sensor, and a second high resolution \"fine sensor\which can be adjusted to satisfy the needs of a particular customer. The instantaneousfield of view of the preview sensor is located at a fixed distance ahead of that of the finesensor, so that within a predetermined time period, users may decide which partial dataare to be transmitted by the fine sensor and under which observation parameters (suchas spacial resolution, spectral channels, measuring site, size of the measured area) totheir earth station in near real time, still within the course of the actual overflight.Compilation of the specific data requested by the customers takes place on-board thespacecraft upon telecommands by the customers themselves. Sensing of the datarequested by the customer is then performed by the fine sensor.
代理机构:Evenson, McKeown, Edwards & Lenahan