专利名称:Device, system and method of wirelessly
delivering content
发明人:Etan Shirron,Yossi Weisblum申请号:US13096190申请日:20110428公开号:US09384331B2公开日:20160705
摘要:Some demonstrative embodiments include devices, systems and/or methods ofwirelessly delivering content. For example, a method may include receiving at a firstwireless communication device a request from a second wireless communication device
via a first communication link of a first wireless communication protocol having a firstcoverage range, the request indicating requested content to be transferred from thefirst wireless communication device to the second wireless communication device;transmitting over the first communication link a session-handoff message from the firstwireless communication device to the second wireless communication device, the session-handoff message including one or more link-related parameters defining a secondwireless communication link of a second wireless communication protocol having asecond coverage range, which is greater than the first coverage range; and transmittingthe requested content from the first wireless communication device to the secondwireless communication device over the second wireless communication link.
申请人:Etan Shirron,Yossi Weisblum
地址:Hod-Hasharon IL,Kfar-Saba IL
代理机构:Shichrur & Co.
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