RW2: https:///weixin_40056577/article/details/112364503
Exploring Bayesian Optimization:
Kernel function kernel, in another word, covariance function is crucial for Gaussian process to represent a large repotoire of distributions of function. A common practice is that people use the automatic relevance determination (ARD) squared exponential kernel for Gaussian process regression. However, the concern is that sample functions with this covariance function are too smooth for real world optimization problems. As suggested by the author of this paper, we’ll choose Matern52 as our kernel, which is twice differentiable. The rationale behind this is this kernel can make sample functions corresponds to those made by quasi-Newton methods, and more close to real-world situation.
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class GPR:
def __init__(self, optimize=True):
self.is_fit = False
self.train_X, self.train_y = None, None
self.params = {"l": 0.5, "sigma_f": 0.2}
self.optimize = optimize
def fit(self, X, y):
# store train data
self.train_X = np.asarray(X)
self.train_y = np.asarray(y)
self.is_fit = True
def predict(self, X):
if not self.is_fit:
print("GPR Model not fit yet.")
X = np.asarray(X)
Kff = self.kernel(self.train_X, self.train_X) # (N, N)
Kyy = self.kernel(X, X) # (k, k)
Kfy = self.kernel(self.train_X, X) # (N, k)
Kff_inv = np.linalg.inv(Kff + 1e-8 * np.eye(len(self.train_X))) # (N, N)
mu =
cov = Kyy -
return mu, cov
def kernel(self, x1, x2):
dist_matrix = np.sum(x1 ** 2, 1).reshape(-1, 1) + np.sum(x2 ** 2, 1) - 2 *, x2.T)
return self.params["sigma_f"] ** 2 * np.exp(-0.5 / self.params["l"] ** 2 * dist_matrix)
def y(x, noise_sigma=0.0):
x = np.asarray(x)
y = np.cos(x) + np.random.normal(0, noise_sigma, size=x.shape)
return y.tolist()
train_X = np.array([3, 1, 4, 5, 9]).reshape(-1, 1)
train_y = y(train_X, noise_sigma=1e-4)
test_X = np.arange(0, 10, 0.1).reshape(-1, 1)
gpr = GPR(), train_y)
mu, cov = gpr.predict(test_X)
test_y = mu.ravel()
uncertainty = 1.96 * np.sqrt(np.diag(cov))
plt.title("l=%.2f sigma_f=%.2f" % (gpr.params["l"], gpr.params["sigma_f"]))
plt.fill_between(test_X.ravel(), test_y + uncertainty, test_y - uncertainty, alpha=0.1)
plt.plot(test_X, test_y, label="predict")
plt.scatter(train_X, train_y, label="train", c="red", marker="x")
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